GB 22 N63059 Blue Cock “Mystique’s Dream Cock” this cock is from a daughter of The Dream Pair of Formula 1 Lofts and an inbred double grandson of Mystique.
The father to 63059 is a son of ‘Mystiques Bond & Last Mystique. Mystique’s Bond is from Jan Hooymans “James Bond X Mystique. James Bond is the brother to Harry and a top breeder in his own right, being father to 1st NPO Nanteuil 7.189b, 1st NPO Troyes 6.372b, 1st Morlincourt 1.945b, 4th NPO Blois 7.415b, 4th Provincial Blois 1.620b, 8th NPO Salbris 5.333b, 9th NPO Bourges 7.356b, 11th SAMDPR and Car Winner 4.056b and 13th NPO Nanteuil 10.703b. ‘Mystique’ won 1st Combine 4.316b, 1st Combine 3.801b, 1st 1.740b, 1st 1.558b, 1st 1.379b, 1st 570b, 1st 318b and 1st 299b. Mystique also won the NW Region RPRA Award and she is also the mother to 2 RPRA Nat Award winners and to 6 X 1st combine winners as well as 1 loft race winners in the sun city million dollar pigeon race.
Last Mystique is a daughter of ‘The Chosen One X Mystique’ The Chosen One is a son of New Harry X a daughter of Harry.
The mother to ‘Mystiques Dream Cock” is 21 N17865 bred by Formula 1 Lofts and she is a direct daughter of the Dream Pair, which are parents and grandparents to 7 X 1st Nationals, 1st and 2nd combines, UK Olympiad Pigeons 2nd, 3rd, 5th Open Nationals 1st & 2 X 2nd sections NFC and many, many more top pigeons. The cock of the Dream Pair is Prince Of Rekkem and the hen of the Dream Pair is Dreamy the daughter of 531 Amor X Dream Girl.