GB 22 N63036 Blue WF Cock “Tip Top Harry” his father is from Formula 1 Lofts and is a son of Frisian Boy Junior X Tip Top Goldmine.
Frisian Boy Junior is the father to 1st section 2nd Open BBC, 1st 350 miles, 1st from 195 miles, 1st Open BICC Agen, 11th International hens, 56th Open International against more than 22.000 birds.
Tip Top Goldmine is the mother to 1st Open BICC Agen, 11th Open International hens, 56th Open International against more than 20.000 birds; she is a daughter of Tip Top Junior X his own daughter ‘Small Tip’
The mother to Lot 6 is 10800 bred by John Crehan from his son of Yolanthe X daughter of New Harry, her father is bred from a son of Yolanthe, the wonder hen that won 1st NPO Bourges 14.226b, 1st NPO Gien 9.395b, 7th St Quentin 2.346b and 11th Nanteuil 1.976b, 33rd Asse Zellik 6.712b the father to 10800 comes from Son Cees X Yolanthe and the mother to 20 X10800 is a daughter of New Harry X Sister Harry.