GB 24 D52795 Cheq Hen “She’s A Rocket” she is a daughter from two absolute top racers and she will not fail to produce some really good offspring. Winners paired to winners breed winners!
GB 18 Z29303 “Rocket Man” 1st RPRA NE Region Sprint Champion YB 2018 winning 5 X 1st.
He has won 1st Fed 1,501b, 1st Section 707b, 1st club 121b, 1st club 173b, 1st club 173b, 2nd Section 1,680b, 2nd club 363b, 2nd club 357b, 2nd Fed 3,104b, 2nd Fed 1,329b, 2nd Section 1,462b, 2nd Section 746b, 3rd club 175b, 5th club 328b, 6th Fed 2,157b, 6th Section 1,065b, 6th Section 1,449b, 6th Fed 3,229b and 7th Fed 3,195b.
He is a son from “Dark Bomber X Dotty”
Dark Bomber is a Van Loon and the breeder of Fed winners from his very first nest; he has also bred the RPRA award winner Rocket Man. Dotty is a top hen from Luc Van Mechelen.
GB 17 Z12112 “Queenie” she is a fantastic hen from the lines of Adre Van De Rhee X Van Loon and she was the champion YB of the year in 2017 in Cleethorpes Imperial FC winning 5 X 1st including 1st club 101b, 1st club 363b, 1st club 187b, 1st club 257b, 1st club 324b, 2nd club 234b, 2nd Section 1,449b, 2nd Fed 3,229b, 3rd club 232b, 3rd Section 1,021b, 4th Fed 1,859b, 4th Club 204b, 4th club 263b, 5th Section 1,992b, 6th club 356b, 6th club 261b, 7th Section 1,593b, 7th Fed 3,289b, 8th Section 1,404b, 10th Fed 4,170b, 10th Section 1,084b and 11th Fed 2,002b. she is bred from Rueben X Isabel.
Rueben has sired 15 X 1st including the top hen Queenie.