GB 17 L42526 Blue Pied Cock “Foxy King” the father to 1st section B, 3rd Open
NFC Messac 5.439b, 48th CSCFC Coutances 867b and he is also the father to 3rd Fed
Newbury, 3rd Fed Brighton, 3rd and 4th Fed Littlehampton, 4th and 6th Fed
Buckingham and 6th Fed Stratford; he is a direct son of Peter Fox’s ‘Foxy Lady’ an
unbelievable hen that flew in 3 classic channel races in a short career up to 350 miles
winning 1st section, 2nd Open MNFC Coutances 8.984b, 1st section, 2nd Open
MNFC Acensis 5.612b and 1st section, 3rd Open MNFC Fougeres 8.359b; her nest
sister won 6 X 1st prizes inland. Foxy Lady was paired with her own grandfather
‘Granger’ to breed Foxy King and Granger is from Mike Ganus and is a son of
Rocket, the 1st Nat Ace OB of Holland NPO in 1999.