GB 22 Z17378 Blue Cock “Rik” he is a direct son of a National winner and a half brother to section winners and Gold Ring winners in the MNFC. The parents to ‘Rik’ have either won or bred winners to National level, the father to ‘Rik is Belge 13-6070429 a Gaby Vandenabeele cock that is a top breeder; he is the father to multiple 1st prize winners including 1st section, 16th Open MNFC, 1st Gold Ring Winner MNFC and 4 X 1st prize winners in the club, take a look at his pedigree to see that he is indeed a top breeder and a grandson of Mr Magic, Luna, Rudy and Kiana.
The mother to ‘Rik’ is ‘Sunday Girl’ a winner of 1st Open MNFC Vire 3.582b, 39th Open MNFC Falaise 1.632b, 88th Open MNFC Portsmouth 2.108b and she was the 4th Ace Pigeon North Section MNFC and 8th Ace Pigeon in the Open MNFC. ‘Sunday Girl’ is also the mother to 1st 722b, 1st 97b, 1st 128b, 2nd 980b and 4th 777b; she is also grandmother to 1st against 1.278b and 1st 1.897b. ‘Sunday Girl’ is bred from a brother to ‘The Special One’