GB 22 Z17370 Blue WF Hen “Ada” she is the nest sister to lot 8 and so a full sister to the best YB of 2022, bred from a Van Hasselt cock and a direct Schaerlaeckens hen; her father is a great racing cock who was placed into the breeding loft when Simon moved house recently. He won 1st 228b, 1st 196b, 1st 83b, 1st 149b, 2nd 167b, 2nd 278b, 2nd 67b, 3rd 101b and 3rd 179b. He is also the father to the best YB of 2022 winning 9th Open 722b, 15th Open 630b, 20th Open 607b, 20th Open 229b and 32nd Open 920b. He is bred from a half brother to ‘Special One’ X a full sister to ‘Special One’
The mother to ‘Ada’ is 20-2868 from Ad Schaeraeckens and she is a granddaughter to the best breeder at the Scaerlaeckens loft ‘The 006’ 20-2868 is the mother to the best YB 2022, winning 9th Open 722b, 15th Open 630b, 20th Open 607b, 20th Open 229b and 32nd Open 920b.