A full sister to lots 5, 6 and lot 7 is again much the same this pairing
throws a type and there isn’t anything to pick between the four lots. If its
something for the nationals you are after then these are the lines for you.
The sire is the best breeding son of “skyfall” and “the old pied” when paired
to “beauty king” a 2018 daughter of “red king”. This pairing has never been
split hitting it off from day one with their offspring performing very well in
the nationals.
Full siblings have won
1 st section MNFC Weymouth
1 st beeston 2 bird Weymouth
1 st Shropshire federation bath
1 st west section MNFC gold ring
2 nd north west section 3 rd open MNFC Carentan
2 nd section MNFC Weymouth
2 nd section MNFC gold ring