Lot 2 is a full brother to lot 3 and 15 other than the ring number you would
struggle to tell them apart. Perfectly balanced with superb muscles and
feather quality this lad would grace any stock loft. He ticks every box with
type built for speed with winning blood to match. Sire and dam are the best
of the macaloney bloodlines DOUBLE VISION, BLUE CAVIAR, SUPERMAC 73
and ONE AND ONLY are all grandparents to this stunning cock, winning from
big birdage from 50-450 miles. Full sibling to our “ace hen” double RPRA
Region award winner and MNFC west section ACE pigeon. Scoring In every
MNFC in 2021 and finishing 15 th open BICC with 5847 birds competing.
Full Siblings won
1 st RPRA Western region all distances 2021
1 st RPRA Western region sprint 2021
1 st MNFC Ace pigeon west section 2021
1 st market drayton 2 bird sennen cove
2 nd NW Section 15 th open BICC Guernsey 5847 birds
3 rd section MNFC Guernsey
9 TH section MNFC Weymouth