GB 22 N63029 Mealy Cock “Vale Ace” he is a brother to lot 8. Both parents are from P & D Stud; his father is ‘Vale Bulck’ an amazing breeder that is already responsible for 6 fed winners and bred from Vale Olympic Kittel X Special Sprint. Vale Olympic Kittel is bred from a full brother to Kittel X a daughter of Kittel. ‘Special Sprint’ is from Stefaan Lambrechts Brother Olympic Poot X a daughter Goede Rode & Sister Blauwe As.
The mother to lot 9 is ‘Bobby Rode’ and she is bred from Jonge Goede Roede & Incredible Griepel.
Jonge Goede Roede is a son of Vale Beer X Sister Kittel and Incredible Griepel is a daughter of the brilliant Griepel X Lady Kittel.