. Blue. H. GB22D75569 Bred by Mark Evans.
SIRE: “Gentleman Jack” GB19D44594 – Direct son from “Cruise Missile” 1st National Ace Pigeon Middle Distance 2012, 1st Queens Diamond Jubilee 5,421 birds, 7th, 9th, 10th Nat. Average 5,595 birds, when paired to “Leading Lady” Winner of 1st BICC National Guernsey 1,073 birds, 6th BICC National Falaise 447 birds, 9th BICC National Falaise 2,053 birds DAM: “Blue Princess” GB14Z86222 (M & D. Evans) A direct daughter from super racer and breeder “Pre-Olympic” winner of: 1st Strombeek 4,679 birds, 2nd Meer 5,497 birds, 2nd Duffel 4,694 birds, 2nd Strombeek 3,949 birds, 5th Meer 3,582 birds, 5th Nijvel 2,336 birds, 6th Nijvel 4,461 birds, 6th Morlincourt 2,377 birds, 7th Chantilly 9,565 birds, 8th Duffel 24,807 birds, 10th Peronne 2,349 birds, 10th Peronne 1,774 birds, 14th Chimay 3,666 birds, 20th Meer 19,826 birds, 22nd Strombeek 11,809 birds, 28th Nijvel 3,992 birds, 31st Strombeek 23,935 birds, 33rd Meer 27,750 birds, 51st Nijvel 12,673 birds, 51st Peronne 9,181 birds, 63rd Nijvel 23,698 birds, 75th Peronne 12,370 birds Total winner of 33 prizes in his racing career. “Pre-Olympic” is father of over 4 generations of winners, 50 x 1st prize winners including grandfather to 6 x 1st Nat. winners. Here is an example of his direct children. “Levi Young” mother to “Shadow’s Image” 1st BICC Nat. Tours 482 members / 4,187 birds, “Olympic 599” father to “Lady Olympic” 1st BICC Nat. Guernsey Old Hens 1,014 birds, “Olympic Lady” mother to “Lady Olympic” 1st BICC Nat. Guernsey Old Hens 1,014 birds. Also 1st Nat. Carentan 3,554 birds, 1st Nat. Lydden Hill 1,778 birds.
SIRE: GB19D44594 “Gentleman Jack” Mark Evans (M & D. Evans)
Direct proven breeding son of “Cruise Missile” x “Leading Lady”
“Cruise Missile” Outstanding racer & breeder,
Winner of 46 prizes in his racing career including:
1st Open M.N.F.C. National Ace Pigeon 2012.
1st Queens Diamond Jubilee 5,421 birds
7th National Fourgeres 5,425 birds.
9th National Vire 4,379 birds.
10th National Tours 3,981 birds.
“Leading Lady” Outstanding racer & breeder,
Winner of:
1st BICC National Guernsey 1,073 birds,
6th BICC National Falaise 447 birds,
9th BICC National Falaise 2,053 birds
G.Sire; GB10D17748 “Cruise Missile” – Bred and raced by Mark’s racing partnership loft with Dave & John Hawkins – Hawkins & Evans
“Cruise Missile” is winner of 46 prizes in his racing career including:
1st Open M.N.F.C. National Ace Pigeon 2012.
1st Sect M.N.F.C. National Ace Bird 2012
1st Queens Diamond Jubilee 5,421 birds
1st Sect M.N.F.C. 573 birds
1st Queens Diamond Jubilee
1st Sect Nat. Ace Bird Middle Distance 2012
2nd Sect Nat. Ace Bird Middle Distance 2011
2nd Sect M.N.F.C. National Ace Bird 2011
2nd Sect M.N.F.C. 265 birds
3rd Sect M.N.F.C. 576 birds
3rd Sect M.N.F.C. 520 birds
7th National Fourgeres 5,425 birds.
9th National Vire 4,379 birds.
10th National Tours 3,981 birds.
72nd National Tours 4,509 birds
22nd Sect 540 birds 118th Nat Vire 4,756 birds.
3rd Open NEP 986 birds,
5th Open NEP 632 birds,
5th Open NEP 632 birds,
7th Open NEP 743 birds,
9th Open NEP 1,148 birds,
10th Open NEP 933 birds,
12th Open NEP 780 birds,
15th Open NEP 964 birds,
20th Open NEP 393 birds,
20th Open NEP 584 birds,
23rd Open NEP 903 birds,
38th Open NEP 820 birds.
He is father and grandfather to winners in USA, Canada, Norway, Netherlands, and the UK. “Cruise Missile” is grandfather to the Super Racer “Golden Prince” raced by Wout Spierings from the Netherlands.
winner of:
1st I.Prov. Golden Crack Ace Bird Long Dist. 2018
1st Prov. Ace Bird Long Dist. 2018
1st S-Prov. Ace Bird Long Dist. 2018
4th Nat. Ace Bird Long distance WHZB TBOTB 2018
4th Dutch Middle & Long Dist. racer PIPA Ranking
5th Dutch bird Olympiad cat. YL 2019
1st S-Prov. Melun – 1,727 birds
1st NPO Chateauroux – 1,303 birds
3rd NPO / 22. National S1 Chateauroux 27,656 birds
3rd S-Prov. PS Maxence – 3,350 birds
10th National S1 La Souterraine – 3,087 birds
3rd. National La Souterraine 8,600 birds
37th NPO Argenton – 5,187 birds
7th PS Maxence – 1,503 birds
106th S-Prov. Melun – 5,316 birds
Sold on Pipa for 45,500 euro
G.G.Sire; GB02Z60441 “Desert Prince” – M & D. Evans
Super breeder – Sire of over 30 x 1st Prize winners.
Father to several foundation breeders who have in turn bred multiple winners.
Direct son from Turbo U.K. NL00-2057592. (Bred by Koen Minderhoud)
He is sire grandsire and great grandsire to many top performance pigeons including
1st UNC National 17,000 birds,
1st Open NIPA Navan 2,895 birds,
1st WDA Amal Arras 356 miles 3,754 birds,
15th Open M.N.F.C Picauville 5,577 birds,
16th Open M.N.F.C Tours 4,753 birds NE wind,
6th N.E Section M.N.F.C Falaise 1,481 birds,
52nd Open National 6,431 vel 1130,
3rd Open BICC National,
10th Open BBC National,
58th Open BICC National,
1st Open North East Provincial Club 979 birds,
1st Open N.E.P. 582 birds,
1st Open N.E.P. 709 birds,
1st Open N.E.P. Prtsmouth 1,903 birds,
2nd Open N.E.P. 1,037 birds,
8th Open N.E.P. Portsmouth 1,903 birds,
13th Open N.E.P. Newbury 2,054 birds,
14th Open N.E.P. Newbury 2,054 birds,
15th Open N.E.P. Newbury 2,054 birds,
22nd Open N.E.P. Leicester 1,175 birds,
30th Open N.E.P. Newbury 900 birds.
Plus, many other top performance pigeons.
G.G.Dam; GB09N68093 “Lady Cruise” – J & D. Staddon
Super breeder and direct daughter of Vale Diamond x Lady Supreme
“Vale Diamond” grandson from the world famous
“Euro Diamond” sold for 170,000 euro
2nd International 10,323 birds
5th International 14,900 birds
12th International 17,654 birds
21st International 13,390 birds
1st Nat. Carcassonne 2,719 birds
3rd Nat. Perpignan 1,452 birds,
5th Internat. Perpignan 14,900 birds,
5th Internat Bergerac 3,180 birds,
5th Nat. Perpignan 2,019 birds,
12th Internat. Perpignan 17,654 birds,
9th Nat. Marseille 3,575 birds,
21st Internat. Marseille 13,390 birds,
23rd Nat. Perpignan 2,210 birds,
58th Nat. Marseille 4,928 birds.
“Lady Supreme” direct daughter “Southfield Supreme”
Winner of:
1st Nat, 1st Internat Dax 17,416 birds
16th Open London SE Classic Club
Le Ferte Benarde 2,561 birds
4th Open LSE Classic Club Tours 2,001 birds
G.Dam; “Leading Lady” GB15N68779 – M & D. Evans
Winner of:
1st BICC National Guernsey 1,073 birds
6th BICC National Falaise 447 birds
9th BICC National Falaise 2,053 birds
Super Racer, Super Breeder. Mother to over 4 generations of winners. Again, this year in 2021 her granddaughter bred 1st Scottish National & 1st Ace Middle-Distance Pigeon in the Titan Games for Eadie & Kelly. This event is open to ALL fancier in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. This is one of the greatest achievements in UK pigeon racing.
G.G.Sire; GB13N92126 – M & D. Evans
Direct son of “Ice Man” when paired to “Lucky International”
“Ice Man” has bred several foundation breeders who have in turn bred multiple winners. “Ice Man” is a direct son from “Champion Shadow” who is responsible for over 6 generations of winnings including:
1st Nat. Alencon 6,823 birds,
1st Nat. Messac 7,000 birds,
1st Nat. Angers 5,977 birds,
1st Nat. Eastbourne 7,312 birds,
1st Nat. Lillers 10,601 birds,
1st Nat. Vire 4,756 birds,
1st Nat. Bordeaux 1,339 birds,
1st Nat. Nants 10,148 birds,
1st Nat. Maidstone 4,472 birds,
1st Nat. Guernsey 2,433 birds,
1st Nat. Clermont 5,434 birds,
1st Nat. Carentan 5,103 birds,
1st Nat. Alencon 6,590 birds,
1st Nat. Reims 4,193 birds,
2nd Nat. Picauville 3,192 birds,
2nd Nat. Picauville 5,577 birds,
2nd Nat. Falaise 7,131 birds,
2nd Nat. Folkestone 23,325 birds,
2nd Nat. Maidstone 4,472 birds,
2nd Nat. Maidstone 3,442 birds,
2nd Nat. Buckingham 2,941 birds,
3rd Nat. Carentan 5,609 birds,
3rd Nat. Fougeres 5,903 birds,
3rd Nat. Leicester 1,889 birds,
3rd Nat. Folkestone 33,777 birds,
3rd Nat. Burbure 10,617 birds,
3rd Nat. Carentan 8,900 birds,
3rd Nat. Ancenis 4,331 birds,
4th Nat. Ancenis 4,331 birds,
4th Nat. Falaise 7,131 birds,
5th Nat. Falaise 3,278 birds,
5th Nat. Tours 3,214 birds,
6th Nat. Maidstone 4,472 birds,
7th Nat. Falaise 7,131 birds,
7th Nat. Carentan 3,236 birds,
7th Nat. Ancenis 6,996 birds,
7th Nat. Ancenis 3,936 birds,
7th Nat. 8,737 birds.
The list is endless
Mother to “Ice Man” is “Top Investment” direct daughter from “Jonge Wittenbuik” father and grandfather to 1st Bergen Zm 11,421 birds, 1st S-Nat. Peronne 9,545 birds, 1st S-Nat. Chantilly 8,232 birds, 2nd Nensles 11,015 birds, 2nd Minderh 13,566 birds etc. Mark offered £40,000 to purchase “Jonge Wittenbuik” but was turned down on his offer so he purchased four direct children from instead. “Top Investment” was the best breeder of the four.
G.G.Dam; GB13N92153 – M & D. Evans
Direct daughter of “Sky Fall” when paired to “National Carrie” Two outstanding breeders for M & D. Evans. “Sky Fall” is a Full brother to “Ice Man”, Maverick” half-brother to “Bob de Batt” all Super Breeders in their own rights.
“Sky Fall” has bred several foundation breeders who have in turn bred multiple winners. He is father & grandfather to 1st Section/Zone winners at National level. He is also grandfather to “Leading Lady” 1st BICC Open National Guernsey and grandfather 1st Open LRPF 147 members 4,321 birds
DAM: GB14Z86222 “Blue Princess” M&D Evans
Another super breeding daughter of the world famous “Pre-Olympic” when he was paired to “Wittenbuik Princesje” a double granddaughter of Wittenbuik.
“Blue Princess” is dam and granddam to:
1st from 1,032 birds
1st from 1,187 birds
3rd from 2,110 birds
4th from 1,007 birds
Plus, other prizes
G.Sire; NL05-2105064 “Pre-Olympic” – Bred by Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
(100% Gaby Vandenabeele)
Super racer, super breeder. Winner of:
1st Strombeek 4,679 birds
2nd Meer 5,497 birds
2nd Duffel 4,694 birds
2nd Strombeel 3,949 birds
5th Meer 3,582 birds
5th Nijvel 2,336 birds
6tln Nijvel 4,461 birds
6th Morlincourt 2,377 birds
7th Chantilly 9,565 birds
8th Duffel 24,807 birds
10th Peronne 2,349 birds
10th Peronne 1,774 birds
14th Chimay 3,666 birds
20th Meer 19,826 birds
22nd Strombeer 11,809 birds
28th Nijvel 3,992 birds
31st Strombeek 23,935 birds
33rd Meer 27,750 birds
51st Nijvel 12,673 birds
51st Peronne 9,181 birds
63rd Nijvel 23,698 birds
75th Peronne 12.370 birds
1st prov. Ace bird middle distance 2007
1st Ace bird region overall 2007
1st Ace bird region short distance 2008
3rd prov. Ace bird short distance 2008
4th Nat. Ace bird short distance NPO 2007
5th Nat. short distance bird Olympiad 2009
7th Nat. Ace bird short distance WHZB 2007
9th Nat. Ace bird short distance WHZB 2008
9th Nat. Ace bird short distance NPO 2008
13th Nat. Ace bird middle distance NPO 2007
winning 1st, 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 10, 10, 14 from an average of 5,672 birds per race.
“Pre-Olympic” is father of over 4 generations of winners, 50 x 1st prize winners including grandfather to 6 x 1st National winners. Here is an example of his direct children. “Levi Young” mother to “Shadow’s Image” 1st BICC Nat. Tours 482 members / 4,187 birds, “Olympic 599” father to “Lady Olympic” 1st BICC Nat. Guernsey Old Hens 1,014 birds, “Olympic Lady” mother to “Lady Olympic” 1st BICC Nat. Guernsey Old Hens 1,014 birds. Also 1st Nat. Carentan 3,554 birds, 1st Nat. Lydden Hill 1,778 birds.
G.G.Sire; NL99-1870582 “Vader Pre Olympic” – Gaby Vandenabeele
Grandson of “Kolonel” x “Rita” & “Limoges” x “Lise”
“Kolonel” top racing & breeding son of the world famous “Wittenbuik” and sire of “Bliksem Limoges” winner of 1st Nat Limoges 13,631 birds. Champion bloodlines
G.G.Dam; NL01-1967641 “Dtr Jonge Bijter”
Dam of:
6th Orleans 4,048 birds
25th NP01+2 8,440 birds
28th Chantilly 4,385 birds
46th Orleans 1,718 birds
56th Boxtell,889 birds
61 St Peronne 9,833 birds
96th Hensies 11,015 birds
G.Dam; Belg02-2129929 “Wittenbuik Princesje” – Freddy Vandenbrande
Double granddaughter of the world famous “Wittenbuik”
“Wittenbuik Princesje” was purchased by M & D. Evans at Freddy Vandenbrande’s Entire Clearance Sale in 2005. Since then, her name has appeared in the pedigrees of top breeders & racers around the world. She is dam, granddam to 1st prize winners in Belgium, USA, Canada & the UK.
She is a double granddaughter of “Wittenbuik” winner of:
1st Interprov. Poitiers 2.713 birds
1st Interprov. Angoulème 2.450 birds
1st Interprov. Limoges 2.309 birds
2nd Interprov. Poitiers 1.435 birds
G.G.Sire; Belg94-3237180 “Prins Wittenbuik” – Gaby Vandenabeele
Sire, grandsire to many top pigeons including:
“Christ” “Flicka” “Generation” “Champ” etc
Son of “Wittenbuik” x “Prinsesje”
- G. Dam; Belg96-3156295 “Wittenbuikje 295” – Gaby Vandenabeele
Super breeding hen for Freddy Vandenbrande
Dam of “Dinky” winner of:
1st Prov Bourges 2000 birds
9th Nat Bourges 22,851 birds
27th Chateauroux 13,085 birds
15th Nat Bourges 9,091 birds
40th Argenton 8,405 birds
Daughter of “Wittenbuik” x “Moriska”