GB 21 S36141 Cheq Cock “Double BK” he is a double grandson of Best Kittel and he will be ideal for the breeding loft. Make no mistake, these Best Kittel pigeons are the real deal and are breeding winners at the very top level of competition all around the world. They will become the dominant family in the coming years no matter what you cross them with. The father to Double BK is super the breeder Belge 18-4234485, the full brother to Best Kittel II.
Bel 18-4234485 is the breeder of
1st Club / 1st Fed 417 birds,
1st Club 182 birds
1st Club / 1st Fed 981 birds
1st Club / 7th Fed 287 birds
1st Club / 1st Fed 290 birds
1st Club / 4th fed 438 birds
1st Club / 1st fed 512 birds
1st Club / 1st Fed 139 birds
2nd Club / 2nd Fed 366 birds
2nd Club / 2nd Fed 816 birds (Beaten by loft mate)
2nd Club / 5th Fed 394 birds
2nd Club / 5th Fed 438 birds
3rd Club / 3rd Fed 601 birds (Beaten by 2 loft mates)
3rd Club / 3rd Fed 407 birds (Beaten by 2 loft mates)
3rd Club / 3rd Fed 684 birds
3rd Club / 3rd Fed 366 birds
3rd Club / 3rd Fed 647 birds
He is also Sire of young bird of the year 2021 (Teesside Federation).
He is also G/Gsire of
1st Club, 1st Section, 1st Combine, 45th Open Nipa 11,694.
The mother to Double BK is an inbred direct daughter of Best Kittel named BK 477 and she is from Best Kittel X Bulcka, a super breeding hen from Dirk Van Den Bulck bred from Brother Goede Rode X 40000 Duivin and mother to 7 X 1st prize winners and to Tienverbond winners.