GB 21 N03003 Cheq Cock “Jack” he is the full brother to Lot 1 in part 1 “Olivia”
And he is another very well bred cock and a grandson of the ultra re producer ‘Beauty
Harry’ and he is a grandson of the super hen ‘Foxy Lady’ ‘Jack’ is a half brother to
“Teletext Beauty” who won 23rd Open SAMDPR in the 2020 final race and sold for
$6000. Sisters have also won 1st section B, 3rd Open NFC Messac against 5.349b
also 3rd section, 33rd Open BBC Nat Blaydon 1.566b, 67th CSCFC Berwick 1.078b
and half sisters have won 3rd, 4th, 4th and 10th Federation.
The father to Olivia is 17 L42426 ‘Foxy King’ and Foxy King is lot 5 in part 1. Foxy
King is the father to 1st section B 3rd Open NFC Messac 5.439b, 48th CSCFC
Coutances 867b and he is also the father to 3rd Fed Newbury, 3rd Fed Brighton, 3rd
and 4th Fed Littlehampton, 4th & 6th Fed Buckingham and 6th Fed Stratsford; he is a
direct son of Peter Fox’s ‘Foxy Lady’ an unbelievable hen that flew in 3 classic
channel races in a short career up to 350 miles winning 1st section, 2nd Open MNFC
Coutances 8.984b, 1st section, 2nd Open MNFC Acensis 5.612b and 1st section, 3rd
Open MNFC Fougeres 8.359b; her nest sister won 6 X 1st prizes inland. Foxy Lady
was paired with her own grandfather ‘Granger’ to breed Foxy King and Granger is
from Mike Ganus and is a son of Rocket, the 1st Nat Ace OB of Holland NPO in
The mother to Olivia is NL 16-1663883 “Pretty Harry” Bred by Jan Hooymans direct
from the champion producer “Beauty Harry” which is the father to New Harry a
winner of 1st Niergnies 14.737b, 1st Pont St Maxen 12.894b, 1st Melun 1.046b, 9th
Troyes 6.390b and father to a/o 1st Nat Ace PIPA rankings mid distance, 1st Prov
Niergnies AFD 7 from 14.838b, 1st Prov Pont St Maxen 12.894b, 1st Quievrain 3.440
and fastest from 11.337b. Beauty Harry was coupled with a full sister to Harry. Harry
won 1st Nat Ace WHZB long distance and 1st Blois 37.728b, 1st Chateauroux
22.340b, 3rd Chateaudun 21.520b etc..