GB 22 Z51176 Blue Hen “Lymedale Blue” she won 15th prize in The Final Race and was also 92nd Ace Pigeon Overall winning £500 in prize money.
SIRE 19 X42510 ‘Shining Star’ bred from the best of the modern day sprint/middle distance bloodlines in his pedigree; his father is ‘Rising Star’ father to 33rd Open in the Final Race SAMDPR 2019 when 2.531 birds went in the final from 334 miles in 34 degree heat and a head wind; he is bred from Tempo X Little Star of Syndicate Lofts. The mother to Shining Star is ‘Harry’s Girl’ a fabulous daughter of the world famous breeders ‘War Drum & Sunday Girl’ War Drum is the super breeder and father to 28 X 1st including 13 fed winners in 4 seasons and Sunday Girl is a direct daughter of the famed Jan Hooymans super cock ‘Harry’
DAM 19 N78930 ‘Lymedale Pride’ she competed in the full programme of the POTPOLR in 2019 and she finished 3rd place in the Final Race from Carentan winning £3000 on a very testing day. Her father is ‘The Crow’ father to 5th section MNFC, 37th Open Nort-Sur-Eerdre NFC. He is from the Vandenabeele family and th mother to Lymedale Pride is another Vandeabeele; she won 2nd section, 4th Open MCC old hens 2018, 5th section 110th Open NFC Coutances 2017, 14th section 497th Open MNFC YB 2016 Coutances. She has also won many club and fed prizes. Her father won an RPRA Sprint Award 2013 and her mother is dam to 1st section BBC Coutances , 2nd NW section and Ace Pigeon Award winner MNFC.