GB 22 C29800 Dark Cock “POP 87” he won 87th position in the Final Race. Entered by the syndicate ‘Dumb & Dumber’ he is a well bred young cock.
SIRE 20 SAC 2465 his father is a Van Den Buklck and a grandson of Greipel, in fact his 4 grandparents are Greipel, Brother Rosita, Half Sister Kittel and daughter Dubbele As. 2 full sisters to his father have bred multiple Fed winners. The mother to 2465 is a winner of 3 X 1st and loads of other positions including 1st Durham Combine Maidstone 1.956b. she is a granddaughter of the super pair Fergie and Alexis
DAM 20 SAC 2427 she is bred from a full brother to ‘B T B’ a winner of 14 X 1st and 2 RPRA awards, there cannot be reproduced in the UK. He is a son of Fergie and Alexis, which are bred from the best of the Heremans-Ceusters. The mother to 2427 is a granddaughter of Kittel; her father is from Den Blauw Witpen X a daughter of Blauwe Leo & Van Loock Duivin and her mother is the nest sister to Les Greens Kitt-Kat, the daughter of Kittel.