GB 22 B34164 Blue Hen “Mary Guss” she is another that could well be classed as the best on offer; she is a half sister to ‘Moviestar’ the winner of 1st Open NIPA 20,042b, 8th Open NIPA 21,265b, 8th Open NIPA 1,194b, 15th Open NIPA 14,868b, 134th Open NIPA2.980b, 152nd Open NIPA 5.902b, 1st 2,600b, 1st 1,619b, 1st 520b and 3rd 322b, 3rd 647b, 4th 204b, 6th 741b and 7th 2.992b.
SIRE 17 N17642 “De Guss” he is the father to ‘Moviestar’ and the father to 1st Open NIPA 20,042b, 8th Open NIPA 21,265b, 8th Open NIPA 1,194b, 10th Open NIPA 12,988b, 15th Open NIPA 14, 468b, 15th Open NIPA 14,868b, 20th Open NIPA 15,423b, 58th Open NIPA 5,012b 134th Open NIPA2.980b, 152nd Open NIPA 5.902b, 1st 2,600b, 1st 1,619b, 1st 520b and 3rd 322b, 3rd 647b, 4th 204b, 6th 741b and 7th 2.992b. De Gust is bred from a Gust Janssen hen that is bred from a sister to Olympiade 003.
DAM 12 F16519 “Hail Mary” she won 1st Open NIPA Fermoy 24,375b and she is the mother to 3 X 1st section NIPA and to 3rd Open NIPA 21,000b, 8th Open NIPA 5,600b, 11th Open NIPA 12,998b, 14th Open NIPA 16,000b, 17th Open NIPA 24,000b, 19th Open NIPA 3,166b and to 20th Open NIPA 15,423b.