GB 22 N12540 Mealy Cock “Vale Dancer” bred by Andy Parsons from Salisbury.

SIRE 15-X15543 he is a son of ‘Dancer’ and a half brother to ‘Jan’ Dancer won 3rd National Palamos winner, also 45th CSCFC Tarbes and Dancer is sire to many top National winners including 8 different children that have all been timed to win prizes in the NFC and CSCFC; he is also grand sire to 5th NFC. The mother to 15543 is the mother to ‘Jan’ who won 2nd National Tarbes, 232nd National Tarbes, and she is a half sister to 5th National Palamos, 74th Tarbes CSCFC.

Andy Parsons started to use ‘The Dancer’ as a breeder when he was 5 years old, so in 2011 2 were bred from him, one topped the section and the nest mate bred a section winner. The last bird bred from Dancer when he was 11 years old was 2nd section 11th Open NFC Pau.

In seven years breeding from him and taking only four birds per year he bred 2 first section winners and three second section winners from Tarbes/Pau and he bred the following open winners 3, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 24 and 30th Open Tarbes/Pau plus 1st section 5th open BBC, 1st section 5th Open CSCFC Bergerac, also 2nd section NFC 200 miles and 13th Bergerac for Nick Smith. He was also grandsire to 2nd section 5th open Tarbes and six more birds to be in the first 70 of the NFC result plus many other positions for Andy and for other fanciers.

DAM 19 D49233 she is a daughter of ‘Five Times Cock’ who is a son of ‘The Bush Cock’ and the Bush Cock bred ‘Proud Mary’ the merit award winner for winning 27th, 29th and 14th NFC Tarbes. The Five Times Cock won 36th, 43rd, 110th, 200th 210th and 30th Bergerac also 6th section and 2nd section Tarbes, 55th NFC Tarbes. The mother to 49233 is ‘Proud Mary’ the merit award winner for winning 27th, 29th and 14th NFC Tarbes. So 49233 is bred from a half brother and sister mating, both coming from ‘The Bush Cock’