GB 22 V79129 Dark Cock “New Gust” he is a grandson of Dynamic Olympiad and a grandson of Dynamic Greipel. 


GB 18 V63437 “Total Olympiad” he was bred for stock and a great breeder having bred 1st Fed 500b, and a half-brother to 9 different Fed prize winners within the first 6 of the fed. ‘Total Olympiad’ is from “Dynamic Olympiad” a super breeder and father to 1st National 11,055b, 1st Fed 3,323b, 1st Fed 2,440b, 1st Fed 2,014b, 2nd Fed (to loft mate) 1,782b, 3rd Fed (to loft mates) 3,212b, 4th Fed (to loft mates) 1,537b, 4th Fed 1,131b, 6th Fed (to Loft mates) 1,782b, 6th National (to loft mates) IHUNFC 730b, 10th Fed 3,375b, 10th Fed 3,267b, 16th Fed 1,782b, 17th Fed 2,157b, 20th Fed 2,293b and 27th Fed 1,131b. Dynamic Olympiad is bred from a son of the famous Olympiad 003 and a daughter from Di Caprio.

The mother to Total Olympiad is “Maggie” she is an amazing double granddaughter of ‘Di Caprio’ she is direct from ‘Super Di Caprio’ the massive producing son of Di Caprio that has bred fed winners against 3,241b, 3,068b, 2,980b, 2,405b and he has bred 1st National against 2,425b. The mother to ‘Maggie’ is ‘National Di Caprio’ from Di Caprio and Blue Kannibaal.


GB 20 V83243 “Goede Rosita” she is inbred to the phenomenal hen Olympic Rosita, the mother to Kittel & Greipel. Her breeding is fantastic for any Van Den Bulck enthusiast.

She is a granddaughter of Greipel, Blauwe Beer 272, Bratt and Kamala.

Her father is “Dynamic Greipel” he is the breeder of the following

  1. Federation Ace Bird
  2. Federation 3.212b, 1. Federation 2.405b, 2. Federation 2.440b, 2. Federation 634b, 3. Federation 2.157b, 3. Federation 1.252b, 3. Federation 1.537b, 4. Federation 2.121b, 5. National IHUNFC 730b, 6. Federation 2.823b, 8. Federation 1.874b, 8. I.N.F.C. 1.555b
  3. Federation 1.131b, 15. Federation 3.375b, 15. Federation 1.782b, 18. I.N.F.C 3.034b and 20 X 1st prize winners. 

Dynamic Greipel is a son of Greipel & Blauwe Beer 272.

Blauwe Beer 272 is a daughter of the basic pair Brother Goede Rode (992) and Golden Leo 40000.

The mother to Goede Rosita is “Double Rosita” she was bred by Marcel Sangers from Bratt X Kamala. Bratt is a full brother to Kittel and comes from Goede Rode X Olympic Rosita and Kamala is from Brother Goede Rode X Olympic Rosita. Double Rosita is a top hen and she has bred 1st Fed 1,321b, 4th Fed 3,323b (behind loft mates) 4th Fed 2,626b, 5th Fed 1,131b, 7th Fed 3,241b, 7th INFC 1,555b (behind 6 loft mates) 8th Fed 2,014b, 9th Fed 1,782b, 10th Fed 2,002b, 11th Fed 1,782b, 17th Fed 3,375b, 12th Fed 1,782b, 22nd Fed 2,157b, 22nd Fed 1,587b, 29th Fed 2,126b and 36th Fed 3.068b.