Belge 19-3074069 Chq Pied cock “Starlight BK” he is a grandson of the brilliant Best Kittel. His father is direct of the super pair Best Kittel X Shakira, this is considered to be one of the best pairings and many top winners have come through this pairing including fed, combine, RPRA, Olympiad and one loft race winners.

The mother to ‘Starlight BK’ is a daughter of ‘Starlight’ X Nestsister ‘Ourasi’

‘Starlight’ is a half brother to the winners of:

1st Argenton 4.782b

2nd Pau 2.062b

3rd Agen 5.507b

6th Bourges 16.859b

7th Bourges 20.589b

7th Tulle 7.467b

10th Bourges 16.859b

10th Bourges 27.056b

‘Ourasi’ is the father to ‘Cannibal’ the 1st Nat Ace KBDB Sprint Champion 2017.