GB 23 N29287 Blue Hen “Blue Ace” she is a half sister to the winner of 1st National Ace UK Titan Games, 1st RPRA Short Distance National Ace Award Winner,
1st West Midland Region Award 0-250 mile & Worcester Federation Bird of The Year winner 2022 and her mother is a half sister to the winners of 22 X 1st prizes.
GB 12 B37406 “FATHER MEALY TITAN” he is the father to the 1st TITAN GAMES UK SPRINT ACE,
1st RPRA Short Distance National Ace Award Winner.
1st West Midland Region Award winner 0-250 miles.
Worcester Federation Bird of The Year Winner 2022.
He is also sire to other pigeons in top 10 of Federation including 5th/1,248b when arriving as part of a multi-drop team that took 1st x 7 positions in Federation.
He is 100% Carl and Cyril Lambrechts from the best of Steve Foster’s pigeons.
GB 19 Z67876 “Miss Goodwin 2” her half sister bred the “Mealy Titan” 1st UK Sprint Champion Titan Games, 1st RPRA Short Distance National Ace Award Winner.
1st West Midland Region Award winner 0-250 miles.
Worcester Federation Bird of The Year Winner 2022.
She is also the mother to “Zoey” the 5th RPRA Short Distance National Award Winner & the MNFC 8th Ace Pigeon 2022.
Dam & G/Dam to many prizewinners including
9 x 1st Club,
19 x 2nd Club,
11 x 3rd Club,
2nd Open MNFC/4,034b
2nd Fed/3,665b
2nd Fed/1,929b
3rd Fed/2,187b plus many more top 10 Federation positions.
Miss Goodwin 2 is a daughter from The Goodwin Cock a super breeder that is responsible for 22 X first prize winners and 18 X second, 15 X third.