WHU 22 D33898 Cheq Cock “Leon” he is closely bred to the very best of the Best Kittel family and he is a brother to fed winners in 2022.
SIRE 21 L42754 he bred 2nd club, 2nd Fed beat by loft mate in 2022; his father is bred direct from Junior X Mother Best Kittel so a grandson to grandmother pairing. The mother of 42754 is a direct daughter of the super couple Best Kittel X Shakira, this couple are responsible for more than 50 winners all over the world.
DAM 21 C40823 she is from Les Greens Best Kittel family and she is a double granddaughter of Best Kittel; she has already started to show her class when she bred 2nd club, 2nd Fed and 3rd Club, 3rd Fed beat both times only by loft mates. She is from ‘BK Piccasso” a direct son of Best Kittel X National Ace Hen. The mother to 40823 is “BK La Beauty” an inbred direct daughter of Best Kittel when he was coupled with a daughter from Junior X National Ace Hen. National Ace Hen is the mother to ‘Blue Best Kittel” 1st Nat Ace Sprint KBDB 2021 and she is a daughter of ‘The National Ace’ winner of 1st National Ace KBDB speed in 2015.