WHU 22 D21446 Cheq Cock “Vic” he is a grandson of the No1 breeder and he is a grandson of Best Kittel.
SIRE 21 C40891 he was bred by Les Green from his Best Kittel Family and he has already bred us a 1st Fed winner from Ludlow in 2022, this was his first nest. He is a son of ‘BK Jack’ X Wonder Van Junior’ BK Jack is a breeder of 41001 and 41002 both winners of 2nd Fed beaten by loft mates. He is bred from Best Kittel X Sister Douglas (Leideman brothers) and the mother to BK Jack is a daughter from Junior, the 2nd Nat Ace Sprint KBDB and son of Best Kittel.
DAM 21 C20355, she is an inbred daughter from the No1 stock cock that has bred 13 individual 1st prize winners and 6 Fed winners; he is bred from Mysterio & Pure Class. The mother to 20355 is 04139 the No1 race hen and a winner of 7 X first prizes; she is a daughter of the No1 stock cock.