GB 23 N53471 Cheq Cock Entered By John Sirrell
Another cracking pigeon here, certainly not to be missed, he raced
the full young bird program including 2 x channel races and was
clocked in race time from the final some 292 miles out of France.
He was very switched on in the yearling races knocking on the
door in the semi final and final.
Y.B Results: H.S 1= 844th, H.S 2= 486th, H.S 3=158th,
Semi Final = 43rd, Final = 194th, Ace Pigeon = 136th.
Yearling Results = Semi Final = 23rd, Final = 21st,
Bred by Bosliven Lofts of Justin Rogers. No ring born 2021, he is Van Den Bulck/Best Kittel line.
His father is 20 P41695 and he is a double grandson of Best Kittel, the 1st Nat Ace Sprint cock KBDB, the father to 41695 is from Best Kittel X Bulcka (daughter Brother Goede Rode & 40000) and the mother to 41695 is a daughter of Best Kittel X Sister Rosita (So a brother to Best Kittel II)
The mother of the No Ring is 20 P19239 and she is a double granddaughter of Kittel. Her father is a son of Kittel X when paired with his own granddaughter and the mother to 19239 is a daughter of Kittel X Blauwe Beer 271
GB 21 A 43615 Bred by ‘Bosliven Lofts’ she is a full sister to 10 X 1st club winners, 18 top Fed position winners and 1st fastest in WDA against 6,910.
Her father is “Young Van Olympia” 100% Heremans-Cuesters and bred back to Olympiade 003.
The mother to 43615 is “Samson’s Girl” bred by Premier Stud and she is the mother to 16 club winners, 4 Fed winners with up to 6,910 birds competing and she is the grandmother to several other winners including Open winners. She is a granddaughter of Marina Van De Velde’s Ace Pigeons “Samson” the 1st Nationl Argenton winner against 33,097b; she is also a granddaughter of De Leo and Bobientje.