GB 24 B24604 Cheq Cock “Handy Andy” winner of 205th Open Grand Final for
Mr & Mrs Andy Gregson.
NEHU NP-16-157 a winner of 9 X 1st including 1st Fed 1,428b, 1st Fed 1,005b, 1st
Fed 793b, 3rd Fed 685b, 1st Section Queens Coronation 81st Open 9,775b plus an
RPRA Trophy. He is the sire to ‘No No Jo Jo’ 2021 Derby Arona, one of the toughest
OLR in the world. He also bred 3rd Grand Average winner, 14th Open King Of
Atlanta 1.122b and 15th Grand Average. He is a son of New Femke and Emerald.
New Femke an ace breeder for Alfie Hawthorde and father to 4 separate Fed winners.
Emerald is a daughter from The Raven of Gibb & Byrne.
GB 18 B32169 she is the mother to 6 X 1st winnersand she is the mother to No No Jo
Jo 2021 Derby Arona and she is the sister to the Hotspot 3 winner RPRA OLR. Her
father is the K Ring and her mother is 10 X34613. The K Ring is direct from
Spiderman X Avelange and 10-34613 is a daughter from ‘Just In Time’ X ‘Law And