LOT 32

GB 24 C44557 Mealy Cock “Vale Ace” he is a half brother to the 2024 sensation “Battash’ a winner of 1st Fed 1,674b, 1st Fed 1,967b, 2nd Fed 1,578b and 7th Fed 2,387b, also winning 8th Combine against 3,349b all from 7races as a yearling.


GB 20 R40020 “Nickys Pick” a Van Den Bulck cock from Jack and John Berry and he is the father to Battash. He is bred from Grote Rode X Witpen 4000.


GB 18 N33433 ‘433’ she is a super breeding hen and she is direct from Montana & Little Valentine. Montana is a winner of 9 Fed positions from 12 races and brother to Olympic Lilly the 3rd UK young bird with 6 positions from 6 fed races.

Olympic Rose was the 1st Olympic Pigeon UK.

Little Valentine is direct from the 27 X 1st super cock Dekota.