Blue C. GB23C74132 – Bred by Mark Evans.

SIRE: “Super Boy 94” GB21R33494 – G. W & P. Macaloney.  Inbred to G. W & P. Macalony’s  SUPER PAIR “Young Bandeit” & “Shady Lady”. The SuperMac line. Direct son from “Supermac 73” Sire to  2nd 4,393 birds (2nd only to loft mate) 2nd 1,652 birds (2nd only to loft mate) 2nd 638 birds 2nd 328 birds etc. Super bloodlines from the top M & D. Evans pair “Young Bandiet” & “Shady Lady” Mother to “Super Boy 94” is “Annie Mac” SU16F404 – winner of 1st Scottish National Hens, 2nd Scottish National 6,065 birds. (beaten by a pigeon flying 70 miles shorter on a very hard day)”Annie Mac” is a granddaughter from the top M & D. Evans pair “Young Bandiet” & “Shady Lady”. Just study the outstanding results below. These bloodlines just love hard day races in head winds. DAM: “Lady Producer” GB18Z80447 – Direct daughter from the Super Breeder the “Producer” when paired to 1st & 2nd National winner “Lady Lucas”“Lady Producer”  Super Breeding Hen. Mother to several different winners. This hen contains all the famous M & D. Evans bloodlines, Champion Shadow, Jester, Carrie, Rolls Royse, Solitaire, Band of Gold.


SIRE: “Super Boy 94” GB21R33494 – G. W & P. Macaloney

 Inbred to G. W & P. Macalony’s  SUPER PAIR “Young Bandeit” & “Shady Lady”. The SuperMac line.

Direct son from “Supermac 73” Sire to:

2nd 4,393 birds (2nd only to loft mate)

2nd 1,652 birds (2nd only to loft mate)

2nd 638 birds

2nd 328 birds etc. Super bloodlines from the top M & D. Evans pair “Young Bandiet” & “Shady Lady”

When paired to: “Annie Mac” SU16F404 winner of:

1st Scottish National Hens, 2nd Scottish National 6,065 birds.

(beaten by a pigeon flying 70 miles shorter on a very hard day)

”Annie Mac” is a granddaughter from the top M & D. Evans pair “Young Bandiet” & “Shady Lady”

Just study the outstanding results below. These bloodlines just love hard day races in head winds.


G.Sire; SU13L1473 “Supermac 73” – GW&P Macaloney
Sire to:

2nd 4,393 birds (2nd only to loft mate)

2nd 1,652 birds (2nd only to loft mate)

2nd 638 birds

2nd 328 birds. etc.

Brother to “Champion Super Mac II” winner of:

1st Federation 6,972 birds               

1st Federation 6,937 birds               

1st Federation 5,307 birds   

1st Federation 5,174 birds   

1st Section 2,444 birds

1st Section 2,154 birds

1st Section 1,638 birds

1st Section 1,586 birds

1st L.S.C. 1,271 birds

1st L.S.C. 1,141 birds

1st L.S.C. 730 birds

1st L.S.C.  659 birds

7th L.S.C. 1,329 birds

7th L.S.C. 581 birds

9th L.S.C. 1,242 birds

L.S.C. Bird of the Year in 2010.

National Ace Bird of The Year up to 300 miles in 2011.

“Super 31” winner of:

1st Federation 2,622 birds              

1st Open Yearling 952 birds         

4th Federation 4,550 birds  

24th Federation 6,716 birds  

1st Section 714 birds   

1st Section 275 birds

4th Section 1,860 birds

11th Section 2,109 birds

1st L.S.C. 588 birds

4th L.S.C. 717 birds

11th L.S.C . 1,084 birds

“Super 07” winner of:

2nd Federation 7,491 birds   

2nd Federation 6,815 birds   

18th Federation 1,725 birds   

2nd Section 1,835 birds

2nd Section 1,775 birds

12th Section 430 birds

2nd L.S.C. 1,021 birds   

2nd L.S.C. 819 birds

11th L.S.C. 825 birds

National Ace Young Bird of the Year 2007.

L.S.C. Bird of the Year 2007.

“Super 44” winner of:

2nd Federation 6,708 birds 

5th Federation 7,217 birds 

5th Federation 4,905 birds 

22nd Federation 4,768 birds

2nd Section 1,976 birds

3rd Section 1,994 birds

4th Section 1,408 birds

9th Section 1,382 birds

2nd L.S.C. 1,080 birds

2nd L.S.C. 683 birds

3rd L.S.C. 916 birds

8th L.S.C. 963 birds


G.G.Sire; GB06T13179 “Young Bandiet” – M & D. Evans.

No1 Vandenabeele Producer at the Macaloney loft. Responsible for generations of top racers & breeders.
Son of “De Bandiet” x “Carrie 2000” who are the parents of “New Bandiet” Super Breeder for Mark Evans & sire to over 30 different 1st prize winners


G.G.Dam; GB06T13176 “Shady Lady” – M & D. Evans.

Fantastic producing daughter of “Champion Shadow” x “Queen of Diamonds”
“Shady Lady”
sister to “Joint Venture” Winner of 1st Section 2nd Open Midlands National 5,661 birds

“Champion Shadow” is responsible for over 6 generations of winnings including:

1st Nat. Alencon 6,823 birds,

1st Nat. Messac 7,000 birds,

1st Nat. Angers 5,977 birds,

1st Nat. Eastbourne 7,312 birds,

1st Nat. Lillers 10,601 birds,

1st Nat. Vire 4,756 birds,

1st Nat. Bordeaux 1,339 birds,

1st Nat. Nants 10,148 birds,

1st Nat. Maidstone 4,472 birds,

1st Nat. Guernsey 2,433 birds,

1st Nat. Clermont 5,434 birds,

1st Nat. Carentan 5,103 birds,

1st Nat. Alencon 6,590 birds,

1st Nat. Reims 4,193 birds,

2nd Nat. Picauville 3,192 birds,

2nd Nat. Picauville 5,577 birds,

2nd Nat. Falaise 7,131 birds,

2nd Nat. Folkestone 23,325 birds,

2nd Nat. Maidstone 4,472 birds,

2nd Nat. Maidstone 3,442 birds,

2nd Nat. Buckingham 2,941 birds,

3rd Nat. Carentan 5,609 birds,

3rd Nat. Fougeres 5,903 birds,

3rd Nat. Leicester 1,889 birds,

3rd Nat. Folkestone 33,777 birds,

3rd Nat. Burbure 10,617 birds,

3rd Nat. Carentan 8,900 birds,

3rd Nat. Ancenis 4,331 birds,

4th Nat. Ancenis 4,331 birds,

4th Nat. Falaise 7,131 birds,

5th Nat. Falaise 3,278 birds,

5th Nat. Tours 3,214 birds,

6th Nat. Maidstone 4,472 birds,

7th Nat. Falaise 7,131 birds,

7th Nat. Carentan 3,236 birds,

7th Nat. Ancenis 6,996 birds,

7th Nat. Ancenis 3,936 birds,

7th Nat. 8,737 birds. The list is endless.


G.Dam; SU16F404 “Annie Mac” – G.W & P. Macaloney

Winner of:

1st Scottish National Hens

2nd Scottish National 6,065 birds

Beaten by a pigeon flying 70 miles shorter on a very hard day.

”Annie Mac” is a granddaughter from the top M & D. Evans pair “Young Bandiet” & “Shady Lady”. Just study the outstanding results below. These bloodlines just love hard day races in head winds.


G.G.Sire: SU14NW1351 “Picasso” – Van Dyck

A super breeding cock for Ian Hynd.

Father to ACE hen “Annie Mac”

1st Scottish National Hens

2nd Scottish National 6,065 birds

32nd Scottish National 4,170 birds

1st / 315 birds

3rd / 244 birds

4th / 342 birds

“Picasso” is a direct son from “Castleview 831” GB10X33831 x “Lady GaGa” SU11.14994


G.G.Dam: SU12.13061 “Super Girl 61” – G.W & P. Macaloney

Mother to “Annie Mac”

1st Scottish National Hens

2nd Scottish National 6,065 birds

Full Sister

1st Federation 6972 birds

1st Federation 6937 birds

1st Federation 5307 birds

1st Federation 5174 birds

1st Federation 4250 birds


G.G.G.Sire; GB06T13179 “Young Bandiet” – M & D. Evans.

No1 Vandenabeele Producer at the Macaloney loft. Responsible for generations of top racers & breeders.
Son of “De Bandiet” x “Carrie 2000” who are the parents of “New Bandiet” Super Breeder for Mark Evans & sire to over 30 different 1st prize winners


G.G.G.Dam; GB06T13176 “Shady Lady” – M & D. Evans.

Fantastic producing daughter of “Champion Shadow” x “Queen of Diamonds”
“Shady Lady”
sister to “Joint Venture” Winner of 1st Section 2nd Open Midlands National 5,661 birds

“Champion Shadow” is responsible for over 6 generations of winnings including:

1st Nat. Alencon 6,823 birds,

1st Nat. Messac 7,000 birds,

1st Nat. Angers 5,977 birds,

1st Nat. Eastbourne 7,312 birds,

1st Nat. Lillers 10,601 birds,

1st Nat. Vire 4,756 birds,

1st Nat. Bordeaux 1,339 birds,

1st Nat. Nants 10,148 birds,

1st Nat. Maidstone 4,472 birds,

1st Nat. Guernsey 2,433 birds,

1st Nat. Clermont 5,434 birds,

1st Nat. Carentan 5,103 birds,

1st Nat. Alencon 6,590 birds,

1st Nat. Reims 4,193 birds,

2nd Nat. Picauville 3,192 birds,

2nd Nat. Picauville 5,577 birds,

2nd Nat. Falaise 7,131 birds,

2nd Nat. Folkestone 23,325 birds,

2nd Nat. Maidstone 4,472 birds,

2nd Nat. Maidstone 3,442 birds,

2nd Nat. Buckingham 2,941 birds,

3rd Nat. Carentan 5,609 birds,

3rd Nat. Fougeres 5,903 birds,

3rd Nat. Leicester 1,889 birds,

3rd Nat. Folkestone 33,777 birds,

3rd Nat. Burbure 10,617 birds,

3rd Nat. Carentan 8,900 birds,

3rd Nat. Ancenis 4,331 birds,

4th Nat. Ancenis 4,331 birds,

4th Nat. Falaise 7,131 birds,

5th Nat. Falaise 3,278 birds,

5th Nat. Tours 3,214 birds,

6th Nat. Maidstone 4,472 birds,

7th Nat. Falaise 7,131 birds,

7th Nat. Carentan 3,236 birds,

7th Nat. Ancenis 6,996 birds,

7th Nat. Ancenis 3,936 birds,

7th Nat. 8,737 birds. The list is endless.


INFORMATION ON:  G. W & P. Macaloney (Scotland)

and the M & D. Evans bloodlines they purchased from Mark Evans

In 2006 G. W & P. Macaloney purchased a full round of Vandenabeeles from M & D Evans and from the very first young bird race in 2007 their performances just exploded, with these Vandenabeeles raced both pure and crossed with all their existing lines, for example:


1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th 9th 10th 14th Federation – 7,994 birds

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Federation – 8,593 birds

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 9th 12th Federation – 7,491 birds

1st 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Federation – 8,056 birds

1st 2nd 3rd 4th Federation – 7,306 birds

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Federation – 6,815 birds

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Federation – 5,902 birds

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 10th 13th Federation – 6,387 birds

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Federation – 5,198 birds

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 6th 7th 8th Federation – 6,474 birds

On race days it makes for compelling viewing for the other fanciers that often attend their lofts to watch the race unfold.


From their original order from M & D. Evans, here are some of the top breeders that just continued to breed generation after generation. These top names are;

“Young Bandiet”

 “Shady Lady”


“Miss Orleans”

“New Orleans”

“Dark Shadow”

“Shadow 75”

“Shadow Dancer”

“Alone’s Legacy”

“Wittenbuik’s Shadow” etc.

These are responsible for 1st prize winners at every level of competition for G.W & P. Macaloney and for other fanciers from various parts of the UK who obtained these same bloodlines from the partnership.

Tom Blair

Conway & Richardson

Jim Niblo

Bobby Patterson

Hugh Menzies

Les Mitchell

George Tyler

Martin Hilly

John Murphy

George Mann

Hamish Ferguson

Willie Millen

Willie Semple

Andy Eadie,

Jim Forsyth

Alex Blyth

Roy Seaton

Tom Corrie

Ian Cameron

Pat Helliwell

Bob Short

Leach Brothers

Grant Robson

The list just carried on getting longer and longer year after year. Just Super M & D. Evans Bloodlines.


In just 3 seasons alone G W & P Macaloney  won 72 x 1st without competing for any local club prizes and against the following birds and at distances ranging from 70 miles / 113km up to  450 miles / 725km and velocities ranging from 988 ypm to 1865 ypm:


7,332 birds

7,217 birds

6,942 birds

6,708 birds

6,370 birds

6,264 birds

5,902 birds

5,174 birds

4,905 birds

4,550 birds

4,171 birds

4,082 birds

3,923 birds

3,718 birds

2,678 birds

2,666 birds

2,622 birds

2,444 birds

2,077 birds

2,016 birds

1,994 birds

1,976 birds

1,950 birds

1,860 birds

1,742 birds

1,741 birds

1,602 birds

1,586 birds

1,408 birds

1,404 birds

1,382 birds

1,343 birds

1,162 birds

1,141 birds

1,101 birds

1,080 birds

1,073 birds

1,068 birds. Etc. 72 x 1st in 3 seasons.




DAM: GB18Z80447 “Lady Producer” Mark Evans
Direct daughter from the Super Breeder the “Producer” when paired to 1st & 2nd National winner “Lady Lucas”“Lady Producer” Super Breeding Hen. Mother to several different winners.


G.Sire; GB08L36276 “Producer” – M & D. Evans

This cock was bred by Mark and sold as a young bird to Bob Short (UK) where he became the No1. Breeder of his loft. Sire of 18 x 1st prize winners with four different hens for Bob

Including, 1st,1st,1st,1st, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd Lyndhurst
1st,1st,1st,1st,1st, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd,2nd, 3rd, 3rd,3rd Blandford.
1st,1st,1st,2nd,2nd,3rd,3rd Kingsdown.
1st,1st,2nd,2nd,3rd Exeter
1st, 2nd Forgeres
1st, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd Cholet
1st,1st, 2nd, 3rd Yelverton.

Producer was then purchased back by Mark Evans at Bob’s Entire Clearance Sale.

The “Producer” has now bred 28 x 1st prize winners

He is a son of from the super breeding pair

“Royce Fideel” x “Golden Shadow” who are parents to over 4 generations of winners.

Producer sire of “Lady Producer” dam of several 1st prize winners from her first year at stock in
2019 for Mark Evans


G.G.Sire; GB04T25447 “Royce Fideel”

Fantastic breeding son of Rolls Royce x Carrie the parents to several foundation breeders who have bred multiple winners at all levels of competition.

“Rolls Royce” This outstanding cock was only entered in 3 National races before being injured as a two-year-old. He was winner of:
2nd Nat N. E. Section 1,652 birds,
2nd Open National Picauville 4,154 birds (dropped with the winner and beaten in the trap by 3 seconds)
32nd Nat N. E. Section 2,900 birds,
33rd Open M.N.F.C. National Thorness 5,617 birds.
9th Nat N. E. Section 2,896 birds,
50th Open National La Ferte Bernard 7,017 birds.
All these top results by Rolls Royce were achieved by him when racing into head winds. Considered to be one of the best pigeons M & D. Evans have ever bred. Rolls Royce only raced as a young bird and yearling due to injury in training and then put to stock. One weekend they had twelve widowhood cocks drop together, winning the first twelve in the federation. Six of them were sons or grandsons of Rolls Royce.
Rolls Royce is sire, grandsire, and great grandsire to endless winners right through to 1st Open National level. A small example of the top breeders bred down from Rolls Royce are Joe Jones, Pure Gold, Quality Tours, Team Leader, Joe Joe, Bouncer, Cosmick Girl, Major Player. Rolls Fideel, Bella all well-known names for producing top class racers and foundation breeders who have in turn bred multiple winners

“Carrie” The super breeder responsible for eight generations of winners at Club, Federation, Amal, Classic and National. One of the most prolific breeders of this strain and responsible for 1000’s of winners and at least 15 x 1st at National level making this hen one of the best breeding hens of all time.
It would be impossible to list all the winners. See below a sample.
1st National North East Section Picauville 1,652 birds
1st Open M.N.F.C Picauville 4,154 birds
1st National North East Section Yearlings
1st Open M.N.F.C Yearlings Picauville
1st National North East Section Picauville
1st S.Y.A. 4,000 birds
1st Section N.I.P.A 4,358 birds
1st Open M.N.F.C Car Winner
1st Section Northern Classic Fougeres
2nd National North East Section Yearlings
2nd Open M.N.F.C Yearlings Picauville
2nd National North East Section Picauville 4,386 birds
2nd Section 2nd Open Northern Classic Picauville
3rd Nat North East Section Le Ferte Bernard 2,939 birds
3rd Open M.N.F.C Picauville 9,880 birds
4th Open M.N.F.C Picauville 9,880 birds
4th Open National 11,448 birds
5th Open I.N.F.C. National
5th National North East Section Bergerac
6th National North East Section 2,395 birds
7th National North East Section Picauville
8th Open M.N.F.C Bergerac 566 miles
8th Open E.D.C Mullingar 7,000 birds
10th Open E.D.C Mullingar 7,000 birds
10th Open M.N.F.C Le Ferte Bernard 7,194 birds
11th Open M.N.F.C Gold Ring
11th Open N.I.P.A Rosscarberry National 9,142 birds
13th Open E.D.C Derby
14th National North East Section 1,652 birds
14th Open M.N.F.C Picauville 4,154 birds
20th Open N.I.P.A 31,619 birds
31st Open M.N.F.C Picauville 5,004 birds
45th Open 24,250 birds
38th National North East Section Guernsey 2,069b
63rd Open M.N.F.C Guernsey 5,661 birds
84th Open M.N.F.C 9,516 birds


G.G.Dam; GB01R30882Golden Shadow” – M & D. Evans

Direct daughter of Champion Shadow x Pure Gold

H/sister to “Bob-De-Batt” No1 breeder of the loft and sire of

“Shadow’s Image” winner of 1st Sect 1,453 birds, 1st Open National Tours 4,187 birds

“Lady 100” winner of 1st Open BICC National Guernsey 202 members, 1,317 birds & fastest velocity from a total liberation of 3,954 birds

“No Regrets” winner of 1st Open BICC Le Mans 2,693 birds,

Bob-De-Batt sire, g.sire to over 100 x 1st prize winners, including 4 x 1st Nationals, 3 x 2nd Nationals up to and over 9,000 birds competing


G.Dam; GB14A24920 “Lady Lucas” – M & D. Evans
Winner of:

1st NFC Nat. Old Hens Guernsey 2015

and then 6 days later won
2nd BICC Nat. Old Hens Guernsey when she dropped with the winner and was beaten on the trap.
Almost winner of 2 x 1st Nat. wins in six days.
She is a direct daughter from
Blue Excellence x National Carrie one of Mark’s top breeding hens.


G.G.Sire; GB05T19081 “Blue Excellence” – M & D. Evans
Bred by Mark and sold to Jack Walker & Al Booth as a young bird. Because of his breeding record he was then purchased back by Mark for his future breeding programme. He has bred winners with different hens and responsible for 4 generations of winners through to National level.

Blue Excellence is a direct son from Super Breeding Pair for M & D. Evans “Solitaire” x “Band of Gold” This outstanding couple (Both 1st National winners in their own rights) have bred endless winners right through to National level. They were parents to over 5 generations of winners. In one National race alone from Falaise their descendants won the following results racing to different loft locations for different fanciers flying over 60 miles apart.

2nd National Falaise 850 members sent 7,131 birds (grandchild from “Solitaire” x “Band of Gold”)

4th National Falaise 850 members sent 7,131 birds (grandchild from “Solitaire” x “Band of Gold”)

7th National Falaise 850 members sent 7,131 birds (grandchild from “Solitaire” x “Band of Gold”)

18th National Falaise 850 members sent 7,131 birds (grandchild from “Solitaire” x “Band of Gold”)

20th National Falaise 850 members sent 7,131 birds (grandchild from “Solitaire” x “Band of Gold”)

Solitaire Bred & raced by M & D. Evans. This outstanding racer won the following top prizes before being retired to stock.
1st Nat N. E. Section,
1st Open M.N.F.C. Nat La Ferte Bernard 387 miles.
1st Northern Classic La Ferte Bernard.
1st Nat N. E. Section, 26th Open all England in the Alliance Millennium National.
Please Note. First 25 birds in the all England National
were flying between 191 & 261 miles. Solitaire was flying 387 miles into a head wind
443 members sent 1,435 birds (5 bird limit)

other prizes include:
1st W.B. Championship Club Falaise 333 miles,
open to members from all four counties of Yorkshire,
2nd W.B. Championship Club Fareham,
13th W.B. Championship Club Newbury.
1st Ace Bird of the Year 1999 W.B.C.C.
20th Open Northern Classic Vire 169 members

sent 1,204 birds.
1st Rugby 319 birds, 1st Buckingham 342 birds,
1st Newbury 333 birds,
2nd Buckingham,
5th Vale of York Federation 1,590 birds.
Solitaire was then retired to stock where he proved to be an outstanding breeding cock breeding generation after generation of winners right through to the highest level. The winning reports back to Mark are fantastic. D & J. Hawkins from Doncaster won 1st & 2nd Open M.N.F.C. National G.R. Picauville with two grandchildren (nest mates) from Solitaire. Also a direct daughter from Solitaire bred 1st Section, 1st Open Northern Classic also for D & J. Hawkins. Another direct daughter bred 1st Section, 1st Open M.N.F.C. National for Clive Yates from Tamworth. Another example of the quality of Solitaire was shown in 2005 when five different pigeons were placed in the top twenty Open National, they won 2nd, 4th, 7th, 18th & 20th Open M.N.F.C. National 850 members sent 7,131 birds. All five were grandchildren from Solitaire 

Band of Gold Only raced as a young bird winning:

1st Open Midlands National Gold Ring Race.
3rd National N.E Section 312 members sent 2.395 birds
17th Open Picauville National 690 members sent 5,004 birds.


G.G.Dam; GB09T00672 “National Carrie” M & D. Evans

Mother to 4 generations of winners right through to National level
Granddaughter of the world-famous pairing Jester x Carrie on one side and granddaughter of Edou winner of 1st S Nat 10,295 birds on the other side.