GB 23 N23382 A youngster bred by May Pigeons for Stephen Dowling and entered by Stephen into the Shropshire One Loft Race. She finished 39th Open Grand Final and she contains some of the worlds best sprint lines.
SIRE GB 15 N32677 “Mighty Ceuster” a top breeder for May Pigeons and a son of Blue Rossi & Combine Queen. Mighty Ceuster is sire and grand sire to many winners including 1st Fed 1,278b, 1st Fed 2,318b, 1st Fed 321b, 1st Fed 1,821b, 2nd Fed 1,521b, 2nd Fed 1,301b, 3rd Fed 2,901b, 3rd Fed 1,107b, 3rd Fed 1,396b, 3rd Fed983b and 4th Fed 1,559b.
DAM Belg 19-6096828 “Maisie” from Yves De Wit. She is a granddaughter of “Last Pitbull” she won 3rd Federation 558b behind 4 loft mates, 3rd SE Section CSCFC, 4th Section NFC, 12th Federation 1,300b and 40th Open NFC.
She is also the mother to 1sr Section A National Flying Club, 20th Open NFC 5,700b, 4th Federation behind loft mates and 6th federation 1,362b.