GB 22 Z35485 Cheq Hen “Lilly 85” she is a half sister to fed and Amal winners and a half sister to the super cock ‘Fury’ she is a half sister to lot 3.

Her father is ‘Super 24’ a winner of 10 X 1st prizes for J & R Newall and 2 X 1st fed, 2 X 1st Border Amal and 1st Lancashire Combine winning a gold medal and 1st 3 counties combine in 2022. ‘Super 24’ is a son of the super couple Devastator X The Gibb Hen.


The mother to ‘Lilly 85’ is ‘Best 05’ a double granddaughter of Best Kittel bred by Steven Best and a direct daughter of his super brother to Best Kittel II, which is father to

1st Club / 1st Fed 417 birds

1st Club 182 birds

1st Club / 1st Fed 981 birds

1st Club / 7th Fed 287 birds

1st Club / 1st Fed 290 birds

1st Club / 4th fed 438 birds

1st Club / 1st fed 512 birds

1st Club / 1st Fed 139 birds

2nd Club / 2nd Fed 366 birds

2nd Club / 2nd Fed 816 birds (Beaten by loft mate)

2nd Club / 5th Fed 394 birds

2nd Club / 5th Fed 438 birds

3rd Club / 3rd Fed 601 birds (Beaten by 2 loft mates)

3rd Club / 3rd Fed 407 birds (Beaten by 2 loft mates)

3rd Club / 3rd Fed 684 birds

3rd Club / 3rd Fed 366 birds

3rd Club / 3rd Fed 647 birds.


He is also Sire of young bird of the year 2021 (Teesside Federation).

He is G/Gsire of:

1st Club, 1st Section, 1st Combine, 45th Open Nipa 11,694.


‘Best 05’ bred 1st club, 4th fed, 4th Border Amal when the lads sent just 1 pigeon from 179 miles.