Black hen gb22v 77150
“Investment caviar”
World class young daughter of sprint champion Tiger Vision when paired to the outstanding Zulu caviar making her half sister to the 2022 start and LSC Ace pigeon “Pontoon”
This cock was the best pigeon in the 2022 season in the Lanarkshire federation with over 50,000 birds competing
Half and full siblings won
2nd Federation 982 birds
6th Federation 1,860 birds
11th Federation 5,391 birds
19th Federation 1,674 birds
16th Federation 4,250 birds
20th Federation 3,447 birds
26th Federation 5,072 birds
64th Federation 4,672 birds
76th Federation 2,462 birds
96th Federation 928 birds
Father Tiger Vision in 12 Races he won
1st Federation 4,641 birds
2nd Federation 3,210 birds (bblm)
2nd Federation 2,356 birds (bblm)
2nd Federation 2,230 birds (bblm)
3rd Federation 4,433 birds (bblm)
8th Federation 4,617 birds
13th Federation 2,437 birds
18th Federation 5,992 birds
88th Federation 1,257 birds