Blue cock gb22v 77141
“Future King”
Powerhouse cock, direct from what the partnership feel will be there future number one breeding cock “Lancelot” direct winning son of former number one breeder Camelot
Years of winning genes in this lad
Lancelot children have won and bred
1st Federation 5,072 birds
1st Federation 928 birds
2nd Federation 1,860 birds
3rd Federation 928 birds
3rd NMCC Holsmley
5th Federation 1,674 birds
6th Federation 890 birds
8th Federation 6,141 birds
10th Federation 470 birds
11th West Region National
15th Federation 768 birds
15th Federation 5,072 birds
24th Federation 4,250 birds
25th Federation 5,109 birds
28th Federation 5,072 birds
44th Federation 2,841 birds
51st Federation 1,993 birds
67th Federation 5,391 birds
77th Federation 2,462 birds