Blue Hen GB22V 76994
This pair just keep scoring, Stefaan x sister 16 two generations of winners in our own lofts and winners reported in others inc 1st Sect BICC this season. She is a medium sized hen really typical shape from this pairing
Full brother and sisters have won and produced
2nd Federation 4,225 birds
4th Federation 2,810 birds
5th Federation 791 birds
5th Federation 4,097 birds
6th Federation 5,109 birds
6th Federation 2,104 birds
7th Federation 5,109 birds
9th Federation 1,674 birds
9th Federation 3,447 birds
10th Federation 444 birds
10th Federation 2,542 birds
10th Federation 547 birds
11th Federation 890 birds
14th National 1,152 birds
15th Federation 1,993 birds
18th Federation 2,462 birds
20th Federation 5,072 birds
37th Federation 3,484 birds
45th Federation 3,325 birds
50th Federation 1,993 birds
53rd Federation 4,672 birds
63rd Federation 3,484 birds
80th Federation 2,960 birds
80th Federation 3,484 birds
Mother of the “Winx Cock”
of Ben Oakley winner of 2 x 1sts and breeder of winners