Gb 22 N63024 Blue Cock “Lucky Choice” his father is 89127, bred from
‘531 Amor X New Truke’ ‘531 Amor is a super cock from Frans Zwols that has won 1st against 19.913b, 2nd against 16.000 and he is now an established breeder of winners including 4 X 1st National winners in the UK. ‘New Truke’ is a superb hen from the legend that is Blue Prince, which is a brother to Harm Vredevelds Loverboy, Mr Loverman, Game Boy etc.
The mother to lot 1 is 10888 and she is a direct daughter of ‘The Chosen One X Unlucky Lady’ The Chosen One is a son of New Harry X a daughter of Harry.
Unlucky Lady is a daughter of Grand Harry X Daughter James Bond