GB 22 N63006 Blue Cock “Prince Charming” His father is a son of Flash Harry X Simply Stunning.

Brothers and half brothers/sisters have won 1st British Masters One-Loft Race winning £26.000 and 1st Ireland SAMDPR Hotspot averages 2019 and 1st section MNFC, 1st combine 3.000b, 1st Combine 3.533b, 1st Combine 1.400b 1st Ulster Fed Talbenny Derby, 2nd Combine 1.400b.

Flash Harry and he is father to 1st Fed 1.324b, 1st Combine 2.947b, 1st Combine 1.686b, 1st Combine 3.047b, 1st Nat Ace Bird UK in the SCMDPR. Flash Harry is grandsire to 1st section 34th Open MNFC Coutances 3.989b, 1st Combine 3.000b and 1st & 2nd Combine 1.400b, 1st British Masters One Loft Race winning £26.000. Flash Harry is a direct son of the legendary ‘Harry’ winner of 1st Nat Ace WHZB long distance and 1st Blois 37.728b, 1st Chateauroux 22.340b, 3rd Chateaudun 21.520b etc. Harry is also the father to Beauty Harry, which in turn bred New Harry a winner of 1st Niergnies 14.737b, 1st Pont St Maxen 12.894b, 1st Melun 1.046b, 9th Troyes 6.390b and father to a/o 1st Nat Ace PIPA rankings mid distance, 1st Prov Niergnies AFD 7 from 14.838b, 1st Prov Pont St Maxen 12.894b, 1st Quievrain 3.440 and fastest from 11.337b.

Flash Harry was also a son of the phenomenal ‘Mystique’ a winner of 1st Combine 4.316b, 1st Combine 3.801b, 1st 1.740b, 1st 1.558b, 1st 1.379b, 1st 570b, 1st 318b and 1st 299b. Mystique also won the NW Region RPRA Award and she is also the mother to 2 RPRA Nat Award winners and to 6 X 1st Combine winners as well as 1 loft race winners in the sun city million dollar pigeon race.

‘Simply Stunning’ is a beautiful direct daughter of Harry X Sister 400.


The mother to ‘Prince Charming’ is 21 N17790 bred by Formula 1 Lofts direct from The Dream Pair, which are parents and grandparents to 7 X 1st Nationals, 1st and 2nd combines, UK Olympiad Pigeons 2nd, 3rd, 5th Open Nationals 1st & 2 X 2nd sections NFC and many, many more top pigeons. The cock of the Dream Pair is Prince Of Rekkem and the hen of the Dream Pair is Dreamy the daughter of 531 Amor X Dream Girl.