GB 22 N02579 Cheq Cock “Teletext Survivor” this young cock could well be the key
to the door of success for One Loft Racing; he is a beautiful young cock and his
pedigree is one of proven One Loft Race winning genes. The father is ‘The Teletext”
a winner of 5th NPO St Quentin 6.994b, 5th NPO Isoudun 1.943b, 6th NPO
Chateauroux 2.777b, 10th NPO Chateauroux 3.764b and The Teletext is the father to
‘Teletext Beauty’ the winner of 23rd Open in the final of the SAMDPR 2020. The
Teletext comes from a son of Ad Schaerlaeckens Mirakel X Sissy when paired with a
daughter of Lady Blue of Anton Hendriksen.
The mother to Teletext Survivor is “Lone Survivor” which during the 2020 SAMDPR
series won 1st UK Ace Pigeon by more than a 1 hour lead, she was the 5th
International Ace Pigeon and 3rd in the knock out competition, then finished 45th in a
tough final race. Lone Survivor is a daughter from The Gent and Foxy Queen. The
Gent is a son of New Harry X Sister Harry and Foxy Queen is direct from Foxy Lady
X a full brother to Rik Hermans ‘Starly’ Darren paid £13000 to buy ‘Lone Survivor’
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