Lot 25. Blue. C. GB22D75537. Bred by Mark Evans.
SIRE: “Vintage Black” GB18Z80500 – direct son from 2 x 1st National winners “Shadow’s Image” & “Dream Girl” “Shadow’s Image” winner of 1st BICC National Tours 4,171 birds. Direct son from “Bob De Batt” the last direct son from “Champion Shadow” when paired to “Golden Black”. Mother to “Shadow’s Image” is the “Levi Young” direct daughter from “Pre-Olympic” x “Davina”. “Dream Girl” winner of 1st National Reims 4,193 birds. 1st Federation, 1st Section 7 winner. This beautiful hen is 100% M & D. Evans bloodlines. She was bred and raced by Ian & Liz Purver from Skinningrove. She has won the “Alderman Waller Cup”, the “Jack Tinkler Memorial Trophy” the “Vetrepharm Trophy” and a UNC Gold Medal. Super Bloodlines. Inbred “Champion Shadow” on the father’s side and “Bliksem” & “Wittenbuik” bloodlines on the mother’s side. DAM: “Perfect Blend” GB18Z80430 – Direct daughter from “New Jester” father, grandfather to over 20 different 1st prize winners. This is not surprising when you consider the M & D. Evans/Gaby Vandenabeele breeding in his pedigree. “Jester” x “Carrie” & “Bliksem” x Kaatje”. The mother to “Perfect Blend” is “Ultimate Blend” daughter from the super breeding pair “Late Zwarten” x “Tamara” parents to the following 1st Nat. Z. Argenton 1,648 birds, 6th Nat. Limoges 18,390 birds, 8th Prov. Tours 6,400 birds, 8th Nat. Limoges 14,673 birds, 9th Nat. Z. Gueret 2,222 birds, 10th Nat. La Sout. 11,236 birds.
SIRE: GB18Z80500 “Vintage Black” Mark Evans
Proven breeding son of 2 x 1st National winners “Shadow’s Image” 1st Section Tours 149 members sent 1,453 birds, 1st Open Nat Tours 482 sent 4,187 birds x “Dream Girl” 1st UNC National Reims 4,193 birds 425 miles with a winning velocity of 1,177.
“Vintage Black” is sire and grandsire to 1st prize winners when paired to different mates including:
1st Federation 1,967 birds
1st Federation 1,784 birds
1st Federation 1,126 birds
G.Sire; GB14A24924 “Shadow’s Image” – M & D. Evans
Raced by Micky Watts of Southminster. Winner of:
1st Section Tours 149 members sent 1,453 birds
1st Open Nat Tours 482 sent 4,187 birds.
Shadow’s Image is a grandson of two legendary breeders “Champion Shadow” & “Pre-Olympic”
The world famous “Shadow” is a household name throughout the world. He is now sire of over 40 x 1st Open, Classic, & National winners and father to over six generations of winners. ”Pre-Olympic”
Winner of 33 Individual Prize Cards. 1st prov. Ace Bird Middle-Distance 2007
1st Ace Bird Region Overall 2007
1st Ace Bird Region Short-Distance 2008
Pre-Olympic is sire and grandsire to over 50 x 1st prize winners including 6 x 1st National winners
G.G.Sire; GB12C39777 “Bob-De-Batt – M & D. Evans
No1 breeder of the loft. Fabulous goldmine breeding son of “Champion Shadow”
Bob-De-Batt sire of:
Shadow’s Image winner of:
1st Sect 1,453 birds, 1st Open National Tours 4,187 birds
Lady 100 winner of:
1st Open BICC National Guernsey 202 members, 1,317 birds & fastest velocity from a total liberation of 3,954 birds
No Regrets winner of:
1st Open BICC Le Mans 2,693 birds
Bob-De-Batt sire, grandsire to over 100 x 1st prize winners, including 4 x 1st Nationals, 3 x 2nd Nationals up to and over 9,000 birds competing
1st BICC National Tours 2015 (Direct Son)
1st BICC National Guernsey 2017 (Direct daughter)
1st BICC National Le Mans 2019 (Direct daughter)
1st BICC National Guernsey 2017 (Granddaughter)
2nd BICC National Le Mans 2019 (Granddaughter)
2nd BICC National Guernsey 2019 (Granddaughter)
2nd NFC National Fougeres 2020 (Granddaughter)
3rd BICC National Guernsey 2017 (Direct daughter)
4th BICC National Guernsey 2014 (Direct daughter)
5th BICC National Guernsey 2017 (Direct daughter)
6th BICC National Guernsey 2018 (Granddaughter)
Plus, many more top 50 National prizes.
“Bob- De- Batt” was the last direct son from “Champion Shadow” when paired to his own granddaughter “Golden Black”
“Champion Shadow” is responsible for over 6 generations of winnings including:
1st Nat. Alencon 6,823 birds,
1st Nat. Messac 7,000 birds,
1st Nat. Angers 5,977 birds,
1st Nat. Eastbourne 7,312 birds,
1st Nat. Lillers 10,601 birds,
1st Nat. Vire 4,756 birds,
1st Nat. Bordeaux 1,339 birds,
1st Nat. Nants 10,148 birds,
1st Nat. Maidstone 4,472 birds,
1st Nat. Guernsey 2,433 birds,
1st Nat. Clermont 5,434 birds,
1st Nat. Carentan 5,103 birds,
1st Nat. Alencon 6,590 birds,
1st Nat. Reims 4,193 birds,
2nd Nat. Picauville 3,192 birds,
2nd Nat. Picauville 5,577 birds,
2nd Nat. Falaise 7,131 birds,
2nd Nat. Folkestone 23,325 birds,
2nd Nat. Maidstone 4,472 birds,
2nd Nat. Maidstone 3,442 birds,
2nd Nat. Buckingham 2,941 birds,
3rd Nat. Carentan 5,609 birds,
3rd Nat. Fougeres 5,903 birds,
3rd Nat. Leicester 1,889 birds,
3rd Nat. Folkestone 33,777 birds,
3rd Nat. Burbure 10,617 birds,
3rd Nat. Carentan 8,900 birds,
3rd Nat. Ancenis 4,331 birds,
4th Nat. Ancenis 4,331 birds,
4th Nat. Falaise 7,131 birds,
5th Nat. Falaise 3,278 birds,
5th Nat. Tours 3,214 birds,
6th Nat. Maidstone 4,472 birds,
7th Nat. Falaise 7,131 birds,
7th Nat. Carentan 3,236 birds,
7th Nat. Ancenis 6,996 birds,
7th Nat. Ancenis 3,936 birds,
7th Nat. 8,737 birds. The list is endless.
“Golden Black” is a direct daughter from the super producer “Carrie Black” dam to five generations of winners including:
1st Ace Bird Europa Classic One Loft Race 2004,
1st (equal) Kansas Prairie Classic One Loft Race (USA) 300 mile 2011,
1st (equal) American Internation One Loft Race (300 miles) 2011,
1st (equal) Americas International One Loft Race (346 miles / 556 km) 2012,
1st N.F.C. Nat. Messac 7,000 birds 2009,
1st Nat. Oudenaarde 2006,
1st Internat Derby De Gondomar One Loft Race 2009,
1st Nat. Carentan 2012. Etc.
“Carrie Black” was a direct daughter from “Champion Shadow” when paired to the world-famous breeding hen “Carrie”
G.G.Dam; GB11E36699 “Levi Young” – M & D. Evans
Top breeding daughter of “Pre-Olympic” x “Davina”
“Levi Young” dam to “Shadow’s Image” winner of 1st Section Tours 149 members sent 1,453 birds 1st Open Nat Tours 482 sent 4,187 birds.
“Pre-Olympic” Bred by Hans Eijerkamp & Znn (100% Gaby Vandenabeele)
Winner of 33 Individual Prize Cards.
1st Prov. Ace Bird Middle-Distance 2007
1st Ace Bird Region Overall 2007
1st Ace Bird Region Short Distance 2008
3rd Prov. Ace Bird Short-Distance 2008
4th Nat. Ace Bird Short-Distance NPO 2007
5th Nat. Short Distance Bird Olympiad 2009
7th Nat. Ace bird Short-Distance WHZB 2007
9th Nat. Ace Bird Short-Distance WHZB 2008
9th Nat. Ace Bird Short-Distance NPO 2008
13th Nat. Ace Bird middle-Distance NPO 2007
1st Strombeek 4,679 birds
2nd Meer 5,497 birds
2nd Duffel 4,694 birds
2nd Strombeel 3,949 birds
5th Meer 3,582 birds
5{h Nijvel 2,336 birds
6tln Nijvel 4,461 birds
6th Morlincourt 2,377 birds
7th Chantilly 9,565 birds
8th Duffel 24,807 birds
10th Peronne 2,349 birds
10th Peronne 1,774 birds
14th Chimay 3,666 birds
20th Meer 19,826 birds
22nd Strombeer 11,809 birds
28th Nijvel 3,992 birds
31st Strombeek 23,935 birds
33rd Meer 27,750 birds
51st Nijvel 12,673 birds
51st Peronne 9,181 birds
63rd Nijvel 23,698 birds
75th Peronne 12.370 birds
“Davina” (Gaby Vandenabeele)
Outstanding breeding hen Sister of “Mister Argenton” winner of:
1st NPO Argenton 3,986 birds
2nd Interprov 11,984 birds
12th NPO Cahors 3,739 birds
42nd NPO Blois 1,891 birds
66th NPO Bourges 4,447 birds
145th Nat Blois 45,000 birds
289th NPO Bourges 5,122 birds
“Mister Argenton” sold to China for 10,200 euros
“Davina” super breeder at the loft of Jos Goessen NL especially when paired to “Den Argenton”
“Davina” now owned by Mark Evans. She is a Super Breeding Hen. Direct mother to “Yula” sold for 15,200 euros & “Arsjavin” sold for 8,800 euros.
“Yula” three years in a row first prize winner including:
1st Bourges 1,321 birds
1st NPO 5,122 birds
2nd Interprov 16,666 birds
1st Marche 1,389 birds
1st Charleville 1,375 birds
2nd Orleans 396 birds
16th NPO 4,247b
3rd Chateauroux 167 birds
73rd NPO 2,408 birds
5th La Souterraine 175 birds
60th NPO 2,125 birds
5th Argenton 490 birds
47th NPO 3,989 birds
“Arsjavin” winner of:
1st Ace Pigeon Fed 2008
1st Charleville 4,114 birds
4th 21,924 birds
3rd La souterraine 173 birds
44th NPO 2,125 birds
4th Pithiviers 1,049 birds
15th NPO 12,034 birds
4th Bourges 907 birds
19th NPO 4,447 birds
4th Argenton 490 birds
44th NPO 3,989 birds
7th Reims 939 birds
7th Bouillon 1,245 birds
66th NPO Blois 2,309 birds
“Pre-Olympic” x “Davina” are the grandparents of “Lady Olympic” Winner of 1st BICC Old Hens Nat Guernsey 1,014 birds
G.Dam; NEHU13EC3819 “Dream Girl” Bred & Raced by Ian & Liz Purver
Winner of:
1st UNC National Reims 4,193 birds 425 miles with a winning velocity of 1,177. Fantastic, inbred bloodlines of “Champion Shadow” on the fathers side and “Wittenbuik” on her mother’s side.
G.G.Sire; GB07T21763 “Super XL” – M & D. Evans
Sire of “Dream Girl” Winner of 1st UNC National Reims 4,193 birds
“Super XL” is a proven grandson of “Champion Shadow” x “Sissi 91” & “Champion Shadow” x “Super Girl 310”
G.G.Dam; GB07T21698 “Gold Band” – M & D. Evans
Dam of “Dream Girl” Winner of 1st UNC National Reims 4,193 birds
“Gold Band” is half-sister to “Lady Flash” Top breeding hen and mother to three generations of winners right through to National level. “Lady Flash” is dam of “Lady 100” top racing hen & winner of:
1st Sec 59 members sent 415 birds
1st Open BICC Nat Guernsey 202 members sent 1,317 birds, fastest from a total liberation of 3,954 birds
4th Open BICC Nat Guernsey 1,014 birds
5th Open Nat Guernsey 500 birds
DAM: GB18Z80430 “Perfect Blend” Mark Evans
(New Generation)
H/sister to “Rough Diamond” sire, and grandsire to:
1st 1,032 birds
1st 1,187 birds
3rd 2,110 birds
4th 1,007 birds, Plus other prizes
Also h/sister to winner of
1st East Sect L.R.P.F 1,312 birds,
1st Open 147 members sent 4,321 birds
Direct daughter from “New Jester” x “Ultimate Blend”
From the very best old bloodlines of M & D. Evans & Rudi De Saer.
G.Sire; GB09T00355 “New Jester” – M & D. Evans
Fantastic producer and sire and grandsire of over 20 different 1st Prize winners
“New Jester” & “Super Diamond” were originally paired together in 2014 and due to the amount of winners reported from them they have been repaired. “New Jester” is a grandson of the wonder couple
Jester & Carrie responsible for 1000’s of winners
and at least 15 x 1st at National level making
this pair one of the best breeding pairs of all time.
“New Jester” sire of “Rough Diamond” sire, and grandsire to
1st 1,032 birds
1st 1,187 birds
3rd 2,110 birds
4th 1,007 birds, Plus other prizes
G.G.Sire; GB01S86320 “Jester 320” – M & D. Evans
Sold to David Blenkhorn as a young bird then purchased back at his entire clearance sale.
“Jester 320” is a son from the world-famous pairing Jester x Carrie the super breeders of M & D. Evans.
They are responsible for six generations of winners at Club, Federation, Amal, Classic and National.
One of the most prolific breeding partnerships of this strain. Jester x Carrie are responsible for 1000’s of winners and at least 15 x 1st at National level making this pair one of the best breeding
pairs of all time. It would be impossible to list all the winners, but here is an example:
1st Nat. Eastbourne 7,312 birds
1st National Angers 5,977 birds
1st Nat. Carentan 3,175 birds
1st Nat. Falaise 2,554 birds
1st National Saintes 3,110 birds
1st National Tours 4,315 birds
1st National North East Section Picauville 1,652 birds
1st Open M.N.F.C Picauville 4,154 birds
1st National North East Section Yearlings
1st Open M.N.F.C Yearlings Picauville
1st National North East Section Picauville
1st S.Y.A. 4,000 birds
1st Section N.I.P.A 4,358 birds
1st Open M.N.F.C Car Winner
1st Section Northern Classic Fougeres
2nd National North East Section Yearlings
2nd Open M.N.F.C Yearlings Picauville
2nd National North East Section Picauville 4,386 birds
2nd Section 2nd Open Northern Classic Picauville
3rd Nat North East Section Le Ferte Bernard 2,939 birds
3rd Open M.N.F.C Picauville 9,880 birds
4th Open M.N.F.C Picauville 9,880 birds
4th Open National 11,448 birds
5th Open I.N.F.C. National
5th National North East Section Bergerac
6th National North East Section 2,395 birds
7th National North East Section Picauville
8th Open M.N.F.C Bergerac 566 miles
8th Open E.D.C Mullingar 7,000 birds
10th Open E.D.C Mullingar 7,000 birds
10th Open M.N.F.C Le Ferte Bernard 7,194 birds
11th Open M.N.F.C Gold Ring
11th Open N.I.P.A Rosscarberry National 9,142 birds
13th Open E.D.C Derby
14th National North East Section 1,652 birds
14th Open M.N.F.C Picauville 4,154 birds
20th Open N.I.P.A 31,619 birds
31st Open M.N.F.C Picauville 5,004 birds
45th Open 24,250 birds
38th National North East Section Guernsey 2,069b
63rd Open M.N.F.C Guernsey 5,661 birds
84th Open M.N.F.C 9,516 birds
The list is endless.
G.G.Dam; Belg03-3003304 “Lady Bliksem” – Bred & Raced by Gaby Vandenabeele
In 2003 M & D Evans were invited by Gaby Vandenabeele to his home in Dentergem, Belgium, and while they were on this visit, Gaby gave them the pick from the very best of his 2003 hen race team. This direct daughter from the world famous “Bliksem” was one of the birds selected by Gaby and obtained
by M & D. Evans.
“Bliksem” is without a doubt one of the best birds that Gaby Vandenabeele ever owned. He won the following prizes in 2000 and was unofficially the best bird in Belgium:
1st Provincial Poitiers 1,488 birds
2nd Provincial Chateauroux 4,662 birds
4th Provincial Ruffec 1,778 birds
5th Provincial Perigueux 1,119 birds
8th Provincial Poitiers 2,975 birds
“Bliksem” is a son of “Kolonel”
1st Ace Pigeon Wes Vlaandere 1995
1st Provincial Chateauroux 7,793 birds
1st Provincial Limoges 6,018 birds
2nd Provincial Orleans 1,413 birds
“Kolonel” is a son of world famous “Wittenbuik”
1st Provincial Angouleme 2,450 birds
1st Provincial Limoges 2,309 birds
1st Provincial Poitiers 2,713 birds
2nd Provincial Poitiers 1,435 birds
“Bliksem” is a grandson of “Vital”
1st National Ace Pigeon Long Distance KBDB 1993
2nd National Montauban 6,814 birds
6th National Narbonne 6,531 birds
9th National Cahors 8,078 birds
After 2000 “Bliksem” was not raced again and moved to Gaby Vandeanbeele’s breeding loft where he became one of the best breeders in the history of the sport. Many experts believe that he has become even a better breeder than his famous grandsire “Wittenbuik”. It is a very wild statement to make, but the racing results of his offspring are certainly impressive. Decide for yourself.
“Harry” (Jan Hooymans) – grandson Bliksem
1st National Ace Bird Holland 2009
1st NPO Blois 5,553 birds (fastest 37,728 birds)
1st NPO Chateauroux 5,979 birds (fastest 22,340 birds)
3rd NPO Chateauroux 8,781 birds (3 fastest 21,520 birds)
“Cavendish” (Jan Hooymans) – grandson Bliksem
1st National Ace Pigeon Sprint 2009
1st Pommeroeul 4,604 birds
1st Epehy 4,518 birds
3rd Nanteul 3,521 birds
5th St. Quentin 4,396 birds
6th Epehy 3,709 birds
“Gina” (Deno-Herbots) – gg/daughter Bliksem
1st National Ace Pigeon 2008
“Rihanna” (Thibaut-Boons) – gg/daughter Bliksem
2nd National Ace Pigeon 2012
“Joris” (Gaby Vandenabeele) – grandson Bliksem
1st Provincial Argenton 5,251 birds
1st Provincial Argenton 3,387 birds
9th Provincial Clermont 4,113 birds
“Gulliver” (Deno-Herbots) – grandson Bliksem
6th National Ace Pigeon 2008
“Paola” (Gaby Vandenabeele) – g/daughter Bliksem
1st National Argenton yearlings 7,390 birds
“Barnaby” (Gaby Vandenabeele) – grandson Bliksem
1st Provincial Bourges, 2 National Bourges yearlings 22,499 birds
3rd Provincial Argenton old 3,387 birds
3rd Provincial Argenton yearlings 5,251 birds
“Yvan” (Deno-Herbots) – grandson Bliksem
1st National Ace Pigeon KBDB 2009
4th National Ace Pigeon KBDB 2008
“Marieke” (Rik Cools) – G/daughter Bliksem
1st Provincial Ace Pigeon Young Birds KBDB
1st National Gueret Zone 5,166 birds
“Willy” – gg/son Bliksem
1st National Brive 2011 718km 10,082 birds
1st Semi-National Vierzon 2009 488km 3,124 birds
32nd Semi-National Jarnac 2009 730km 4,827 birds
39th National Tulle 2010 667km 6,695 birds
“Champion 666” (Clive Lister) – grandson Bliksem
12 x 1st prize winner
“Brother Champion 666” (Clive Lister) – grandson Bliksem
1st Olympic FCI Race 6,940 birds
These are just a few examples of the many top pigeons out of the “Bliksem” line.
G.Dam; Belg14-3115709 “Ultimate Blend” – Rudi De Saer
Dam of 1st prize winners with every mate she has been paired to while with M & D. Evans including:
1st East Sect L.R.P.F 1,312 birds,
1st Open 147 members sent 4,321 birds.
G.G.Sire; Belg08-3037496 “Late Zwarten” – 100% Gaby Vandenabeele
Sire of:
1st Fontenay 520 birds
6th Nat. Limoges 18,390 birds
8th Nat. Limoges 14,673 birds
10th Nat. La Sout. 11,236 birds
1st Nat. Argenton Zone 1,648 birds
8th Prov. Tours 6,400 birds
9th Nat. Z. Gueret Zone 2,222 birds.
From the lines of “De Limoges” & “Wittenbuik”
G.G.Dam; Belg08-3037345 “Tamara” – 100% Gaby Vandenabeele
Super long-distance bloodlines.
Dam of:
1st Fontenay 520 birds
6th Nat. Limoges 18,390 birds
8th Nat. Limoges 14,673 birds
10th Nat. La Sout. 11,236 birds
1st Nat. Argenton Zone 1,648 birds
8th Prov. Tours 6,400 birds
9th Nat. Z. Gueret Zone 2,222 birds.
“Tamara” dam of:
“Messi” winner of:
2nd National Ace Pigeon KBDB L/D 2011
8th Provincial La Chartre 2,815 birds
8th Nat Limoges 14,673 birds
4th Provincial Limoges 2,890 birds etc
“Tamara” dam of:
“Iniesta” winner of:
17th Provincial Chateauroux 4,072 birds
40th Nat. Zone Chateauroux 10,587 birds
86th Nat Chateauroux 25,263 birds
“Tamara” is a half-sister to:
“Young Monty” a top breeder, sire of the three top pigeons, “Angelo”, “Angeli” and “Angel”
All of them contain the bloodlines of “De Limoges” & “Wittenbuik” some of the best Gaby Vandenabeele bloodlines in the world.