GB22B07265 Mealy Cock. Everyone loves a mealy and this boy doesn’t disappoint. Sire: Picasso 6th Sec G 166b 32nd Open Tarbes NFC 2016 flying 560 miles. 11th Sec 158th Open Tarbes NFC 2017. Full Bother to 3rd Sec G 28th Open Tarbes NFC 2015 and to Portrait Boy 1st Sec 2nd Nat BICC Agen 69th International 22,000b. From a son of G & C Coopers Titch  and daughter of Crowley & Green’s Minx & Meteor 1st, 3rd 5th, 10th, 78th & 90th National Barcelona. Dam: Red Evie a full sister to 1st Section 6th Nat BICC Poitiers 3,596b, 1st GDSBNFC Bordeaux and a daughter Champion Evie NFC Ace Pigeon 2018, 20th Open NFC Tarbes, 82nd NFC Tarbes, 59th BICC Nat Agen, 8th BICC Nat Guernsey, 223rd NFC Tarbes, Full sister to G-Force NFC AcePigeon 2016, 3rd NFC Nat Saintes, 20th NFC Nat Tarbes, 42nd NFC Nat Tarbes and Red Treble 3rd Nat Falaise BICC 4,065b, 18th NFC Messac Nat 6,032b winning £3000 in pools in prizes in his career.