Lot 22 Blue Hen GB19Z60970 ( Simply The Best )
What a golden opportunity to obtain which I believe is one of the best hen’s in the country at the moment, I was certainly blessed when purchasing her in the WDW OLR sale in 2019, she is proven as a racer finishing 15th Open in our toughest final to date plus she is proven as a breeder, only 4 bird’s to date have been raced from her one won the RPRA One Loft Race Semi Final in 2020 when paired to Lot 23, the other was 9th Open in the RPRA Final 2022, we have 2 in the Pattaya One Loft Race, if I can give good advice to anyone it is don’t miss this super hen, she has an outstanding breeding eye, pigeon’s like her do not come up for grabs very often, she is superbly bred being a g/daughter on the sire’s side to the world renowned Jan Hooyman’s HARRY, on he dams side we have the absolute cream of Dirk & Lois Van Dyck.