GB 19 N43747 Blue Pied Cock “Michael” he is a winner of 2nd club Brighton 271b
and he is 100% M&D Evans bloodlines. He is also a full brother to 1st Fed Ilkeston,
5th Fed Littlehampton and 44th Open CSCFC Ilkeston 1.434b. His father is a son of
Shadows Image’ X ‘Dream Girl’ Shadows Image won 1st Open BICC Tours 4.171b
and Dream Girl won 1st UNC Reims 4.193b 425 miles. The mother to Michael is a
daughter from Ice Man X National Carrie. Ice Man was one of the icons in the Evans’
breeding loft and sired many top National winning pigeons and was bred from the
immortal Shadow X Top Investment, which was a direct daughter from the legendary
Jonge Wittenbuik. National Carrie was from a son of Jester X Carrie X Paula. There
is nothing but National winners right through the breeding of Michael.