GB 19 N43722 Cheq Pied Cock “Mateo” a winner himself of 3rd section 33rd Open
BBC National Blaydon 1.566b from 281 miles, 27th section, 65th Open CSCFC
Berwick 951b and also won 4th Fed; he is a full brother to Teletext Beauty the 23rd
Open winner in the final race in SAMDPR. His father is ‘The Teletext’ which is lot 2
in part 4 and his mother is ‘Pretty Harry’ and she is lot 3 in part 3. Bred by Jan
Hooymans direct from the champion producer “Beauty Harry” which is the father to
New Harry a winner of 1st Niergnies 14.737b, 1st Pont St Maxen 12.894b, 1st Melun
1.046b, 9th Troyes 6.390b and father to a/o 1st Nat Ace PIPA rankings mid distance,
1st Prov Niergnies AFD 7 from 14.838b, 1st Prov Pont St Maxen 12.894b, 1st
Quievrain 3.440 and fastest from 11.337b. Beauty Harry was coupled with a full sister
to Harry. Harry won 1st Nat Ace WHZB long distance and 1st Blois 37.728b, 1st
Chateauroux 22.340b, 3rd Chateaudun 21.520b etc..