GB 18 C 38890 Cheq Cock “Rudiger” he is an exceptional re-producer. He was bred by Les Green from his ‘Brother Rosita X Brodie” Brother Rosita has bred winners and breeders of winners, in fact his daughter bred ‘Lighning McQueen’ for the Macaloneys, McQueen won 1st Lanarkshire fed by over 48 yards per minute against 2,211 birds. Brother Rosita also bred

1st Club Yeovil                                                                     223 birds

2nd Club Portland behind loft mate                                      181 birds

2nd Club Bath behind loft mate                                            234 birds

13th Combine Portland                                                         2.226 birds

7th Federation Yeovil                                                           305 birds

28th Federation Worcester                                                   739 birds

4th Club Tewkesbury                                                            147 birds

4th Federation Tewkesbury                                                  1.001 birds

8th Federation Tewkesbury                                                  1.012 birds

8th Club Hullavington                                                          234 birds

3rd Federation Hullavington                                                 523 birds

GB 19 C46297 Raced by Mark Gilbert

18th Wincanton                                                                    1.941 birds

“BRODIE” was bred by Dirk Van Den Bulck and she is a super breeder and mother to

GB 17 C49040

1st Club Tewkesbury                                                                        213b

5th Federation Tewkesbury                                                              1.035b

6th South Section Tewkesbury                                                         1.857b

15th Combine Tewkesbury                                                               5.798b

2nd Club Worcester                                                                          138b

6th Federation Worcester                                                                  779b

4th Club Tewkesbury behind 3 loft mates                                        111b

6th Federation Tewkesbury                                                               533b

12th South Section Tewkesbury                                                       944b

13th Combine Tewkesbury                                                               2.284b

5th Club Yeovil                                                                                 156b

17th Federation Yeovil                                                                     1.193b

33rd Combine            Yeovil                                                                        5.501b

70th Open Yeovil                                                                              9.775b

10th Club Tewkesbury                                                                      110b

10th Federation Tewkesbury                                                            1000b

8th Club Portland                                                                              140b

13th Federation Portland                                                                  1.031b


GH 17 C49039

1st Federation Hullavington                                                             234b

1st West Pennine Amal Hullavington                                                          513b

1st South Section Hullavington                                                        1.083b

1st Combine Hullavington                                                                2.282b

4th Club Tewkesbury behind 3 loft mates                                        147b

7th Federation Tewkesbury                                                               1.012b

4th Club Tewkesbury                                                                                    160b

35th Federation Tewkesbury                                                            1.178b

3rd Federation Hullavington behind 2 loft mates                             388b

3rd West Pennine Amal Hullavington behind 2 loft mates              529b

9th South Section Hullavington                                                        707b

9th Combine Hullavington                                                               2.345b

3rd Club Tewkesbury behind 2 loft mates                                        144b

6th Federation Tewkesbury                                                               968b

9th South Section Tewkesbury                                                         1.136b

10th Combine Tewkesbury                                                               4.209b


GB 17 C49018

5th Federation Tewkesbury                                                              504b

5th Federation Tewkesbury                                                              810b

5th South Section Tewkesbury                                                         1.857b

13th Combine Tewkesbury                                                               5.798b

7th Federation Yeovil                                                                       131b

7th West Pennine Amal Yeovil                                                        314b

12th South Section Yeovil                                                                1.307b

12th Combine Yeovil                                                                        2.438b

10th Club Yeovil                                                                               379b

10th Federation Yeovil                                                                     682b

21st Combine Yeovil                                                                        5.501b

54th RPRA Open Race Yeovil                                                         9.775b


GB 17 C49080

3rd Club Wollaston behind 2 loft mates                               112 birds

20th Federation Wollaston                                                   825 birds

4th Club Cheltenham behind 3 loft mates                            97 birds

4th Federation Cheltenham behind 3 loft mates                   757 birds

1st Club Mangotsfield                                                                      211 birds

3rd Federation Mangotsfield                                                1.528 birds

3rd Club Wollaston behind 2 loft mates                               109 birds

3rd Federation Wollaston behind 2 loft mates                      887 birds

4th Club Cheltenham behind 3 loft mates                            127 birds

4th Federation Cheltenham behind loft mates                      623 birds

4th Club Salisbury                                                                124 birds

10th Federation Salisbury                                                     664 birds

4th Club Wollaston                                                               172 birds

25th federation Wollaston                                                    825 birds

4th Club Mangotsfield                                                          112 birds


GB 17 C49081

1st Club Cheltenham                                                            97 birds

1st Federation Cheltenham                                                   757 birds

2nd Club Mangotsfield                                                         202 birds

17th Federation Mangotsfield                                                           1.392 birds

2nd Club Wollaston behind loft mate                                               112 birds

19th Federation Wollaston                                                   825 birds

3rd Club Cheltenham behind 2 loft mates                            127 birds

3rd Federation Cheltenham behind 2 loft mates                   623 birds

3rd Club Salisbury                                                                124 birds

8th Federation Salisbury                                                       664 birds

2nd Club Cheltenham                                                           215 birds

4th Federation Cheltenham                                                  740 birds

Steve Carroll has a son of Brodie that has won 1st fed and bred him fed winners. Bill Foulston also has one from Brodie that has bred winners for him.