GB 17 A48449 Cock “Baron” he was bred by Mickey Collins of Birmingham and he has bred 20 R 21662 a winner of 1st section, 160th Open MNFC. He is bred from proven winning and re-producing lines of Dirk Van Den Bulck; his father is ‘Nieuwe Goede Rode’ a ‘superbreeder’ and father to many top pigeons all over the UK including 1st West Of England South Road Combine. He is bred from ‘Vale Dirk’ which is full brother to ‘Vale As’ and bred from the super couple ‘Goede Rode X Golden Leo 9999. ‘Vale Dirk’ is father to ‘Nat2’ the 2nd National Ace KBDB 2012. Vale As is a half brother to Kittel and Griepel. The mother to ‘Baron’ is a daughter from ‘Broer Princess’, which is a son of ‘Golden Leo 9999’