GB 23 A64869 Grizzle Cock “Golden Grijs” he comes through the result of the co-breeding between A & B Leideman and Luc Vervoort.
SIRE Belge 22-6035558 “Fairfield Grijs” this cock is a grandson of Kareltje with a daughter “Goede Grijs” from the Gebr Leideman with whom Luc did a joint breeding in 2020. The mother is a late daughter of Evi, the 1st ace pigeon in 17, which is also a direct daughter of Kareltje and Godelief.
The father to ‘Fairfield Grijs’ is 20-6186059 bred in co breeding with Leideman Bros NL. I coupled Luc’s stock cock Kareltje with a daughter from their top hen Goede Grijs.
The mother to Fairfield Grijs is 20-6245127 she is a daughter from Evi the Asduif Quievrain Berlaar Heikant 17. Evi is a super daughter from the base couple Kareltje X Godelief.
DAM Belge 22-6035685 “Golden Eyes” she is a direct daughter from Luc’s top breeder “Finn” the ace son of the No1 breeder ‘Kareltje’ when paired with the daughter of Willem de Bruijn’s Kristof X Marjan.
‘Finn’ won 3 X first prizes 1st Knokke against 857b, 1st Maaseik 523b and 1st Knokke against 548b.