GB 22 Z07514 Cheq Cock “Innit To Winnit” he is the winner of 28th place in the Final Race and he is also the 28th Ace Pigeon Overall he also won 26th in hotspot 1, 368th hotspot 2, 253rd hotspot 3 and 193rd in the semi-final. He is a very well bred Heremans-Cuesters from direct Eijerkamp stock.

SIRE NL 21 1669569 he is a son of Miracle Dion X Gazelle. Miracle Dion is direct from Dion & Hellas. Dion is the winner of 5th Olympiade Pigeon Cat A Dortmund 2009 and 1st Boxtel 4.131 birds and was the fastest from the entire liberation of 19.605 birds, 1st Peronne 3.465 birds, 4th Arras 7.572 birds, 4th Strombeek 2.204 birds, 9th Geel 1.469 birds, 10th Peronne 1.819 birds, 12th Geel 2.147 birds, 16th Arras 2.120 birds and 18th Duffel 3.547 birds. Dion is also the father and grandfather to 1st Strombeek 6.727b, 1st Strombeek 5.651b, 1st Strombeek 5.547b. ‘Dion’ is a grandson of Olympiade and Olga (half sister to Goochelaar).

Hellas is a direct daughter of the fantastic breeder/racer Euro and her mother is the super hen Mysterious, which s a daughter from Olympiade 003 X Rosita.

Gazelle is a direct daughter of ‘Olympic Hans X Pretty Lady’.

‘Olympic Hans’ won the title of 1st Olympiade Pigeon for the Netherlands Cat D all-round. This fantastic cock has won 7 pure first prizes from 100km to 710km. he is a superb pigeon and his wins are as follows.

1st NPO Chateauroux 3.120b and 710 km, 1st Mons 1.847b-281km, 1st Peronne 683b-372km, 2nd NPO Nanteuil 2.880b-448km, 3rd Heusden 2.537b-171km, 7th Peronne 2.151b, 8th Chalons-en- Champagne 4.883b-411km and 9th NPO Bourges 3.825b-659km.

Pretty Lady is a direct daughter from Jackpot (father to Di Caprio) and Hellas. Any enthusiast of the Heremans-Cuester family will instantly recognise the quality of the breeding in this cock.

DAM NL 21 1669797 ‘Double Jackpot’ she is a granddaughter of Jackpot and of Vetblauwe Jackpot. Her father is ‘Benjamin Jackpot and her mother is Pilar. Benjamin Jackpot is a son of Jackpot X Di Caprio 592 Hen and Pilar is from Vetblauwe Jackpot (son Jackpot X Kadootje) & Simone (daughter Olympic Hans & Diamond Rossi)