GB 22 V79159 Blue Hen “Speedy Kate” she is from a special coupling and she is extremely well bred.
SIRE NL 18-1632898 “Blue Konica” he is from Marcel Sangers and is a son of Konica, the full brother to Olympic Rosita and his mother is Surin, a daughter from the world famous Kittel & Beer Hen.
DAM IHU 15 S143080 “Katie” she was the very last youngster to come from “Klein Dirk II” Katie is the mother to 1st & 3rd INFC 1,555b, 4th fed 1,701b, 4th Fed 1,265b, 5th fed 3,038b, 17th Fed 1,782b, 18th Fed 1,587b, 20th Fed 8,914b, 21st Fed 3,375b and 24th National IHUNFC 1,095 birds. Klein Dirk II is a son of the Legendary Klein Dirk of Gerard Koopman.