GB 22 V79143 Blue Cock “Blauw National” he is bred from the best of two top lines; his father is closely bred to the best of Dirk Van Den Bulcks best breeders and his mother is inbred to Di Caprio.
SIRE NL 19-1132002 “Shergar” he is a super grandson of the basic pair ‘Brother Goede Rode X 40000 Duiven’ and a grandson of Kittel X New Golden Lady. Shergar is the father to 2nd & 5th Fed winners against 1,053 birds and 2,440 birds. His nest sister also bred 1st fed winner against 2,440b, 2nd Fed 3,323b to loft mate, 3rd Fed 3,241b to a couple of loft mates and 3rd Fed 3,068b again to 2 loft mates.
DAM GB 20 V83375 “Caprio 375” she is a really good hen and a double granddaughter of our ace breeder ‘National Di Caprio’ her father is “Young Di Caprio” bred from Super Di Caprio X National Di Caprio and her mother is “Golden Blauw Lady” she is a direct daughter from Ludo X National Di Caprio, the descendants from these 2 top breeders have won 5 X 1st Fed, 3 X 2nd Fed and INFC, 4 X 3rd Fed and are both absolute top breeders. Ludo is from a grandson of Jackpot and National Di Caprio is a daughter from Di Caprio & Blue Kannibaal.