GB 22 V78982 Cheq Hen “Rosemarie” She is a granddaughter of “Sagan” and she is a half sister to many Fed winners including “Best Sagan” from just 12 races he won 1st National INFC 3,034b, 2nd Fed (to loft mate) 3,212b, 6th National 2,148b, 11th Fed 1,131b, 13th Fed 1,102b, 14th Fed 2,405b, 16th Fed 3,267b, 17th Fed 2,157b, 18th Fed 2,823b, 26th Fed 2,035b and 32nd Fed 1,772b. He also sired 83302 a winner of 6th Fed 2,121b, 13th Fed 3,375b.


SIRE Belge 13 6139297 “Super Sagan” the father to Best Sagan and direct from the 1st National Ace Sprint Champion KBDB “Sagan” X Bulck 413.


DAM GB 20 V83236 “Bonten-Rosita” She is inbred to the wonder hen ‘Olympic Rosita’ the mother to Kittel and Greipel.


Her father is Belge 11-6269929 “Bonten Dirk” he is a direct son of the wonder cock “Supersprint 979 X Golden Lady 871. Supersprint 979 is one of the famous sons of the basic van Den Bulck couples ‘Brother Goede Rode X 40000 Duiven’ and Golden Lady 871 is the mother to Goede Rode and Brother Goede Rode; she is a direct daughter of the wonder couple Nieuwe Rossi & Eenoogske.


Her mother is NL 18-1632878 “Double Rosita” she was bred by Marcel Sangers from Bratt X Kamala. Bratt is a full brother to Kittel and comes from Goede Rode X Olympic Rosita and Kamala is from Brother Goede Rode X Olympic Rosita. Double Rosita is a top hen and she has bred 1st Fed 1,321b, 4th Fed 3,323b (behind loft mates) 4th Fed 2,626b, 5th Fed 1,131b, 7th Fed 3,241b, 7th INFC 1,555b (behind 6 loft mates) 8th Fed 2,014b, 9th Fed 1,782b, 10th Fed 2,002b, 11th Fed 1,782b, 17th Fed 3,375b, 12th Fed 1,782b, 22nd Fed 2,157b, 22nd Fed 1,587b, 29th Fed 2,126b and 36th Fed 3.068b.