GB 22 C34120 Cheq “Carmen” if you are looking to strengthen your team with just a couple of quality pigeons then you really could do no better than to introduce something like this youngster, he is absolute class. He is a double grandchild of ‘Padeli’ the son of Brother Goede Rode and Golden Leo 9999. This is another Bulck of extraordinary breeding.
SIRE NL 20-1254072 “Ronnie” a fantastic double grandson of Brother Goede Rode and a grandson of Rosita and Golden Leo 9999. Ronnie is father to 21 L21096 a winner of 1st Bath 100b, 15th Fed 1.009b and 3rd Yeovil 229b. Ronnie also sired 21040 a winner of 31st Monmouth against 2.148b and he is also the grandfather to 1st Fed Weymouth for Crowe & Worrell. Ronnie is a son of Padeli X Kamala. Padeli is from Brother Goede Rode & Golden Leo 9999 and Kamala is a direct daughter of Brother Goede Rode X Rosita, absolute world class breeding.
DAM NL 21-1677430 ‘Cassic” she is a young hen with a big future; her father is Padeli, which is the son of Brother Goede Rode X Golden Leo 9999 and he is the G’ father to 2nd Best Dutch YB Pipa ranking winning a/o 1st Semi-Provincial Pont St Max 12.240b and 1st Fontenay 5.577b. The mother to Cassic is ‘Kae’, which is a daughter from the Co-breeding between PIPA Breeding and Marcel Sangers; she is direct from Best Kittel with Angelina.