GB 22 B93780 Blue Cock “Blauw Di Caprio” this is another fine young cock that is waiting to become a top breeder for his new owner.

He is a half brother to 1st National 492b and to 1st National INFC 1,114b.


SIRE GB 20 V83294 “Top Gun” he won 1st Federation against 3,375b, 2nd National INFC against 3,034b beaten by his loft mate and 30th Federation 2,293b. he is also the father to 1st National against 492b.

He is a direct son from Blue Konioca X Golden Blauw Lady.

“Blue Konica” he is from Marcel Sangers and is a son of Konica, the full brother to Olympic Rosita and his mother is Surin, a daughter from the world famous Kittel & Beer Hen.

“Golden Blauw Lady” she is a direct daughter from Ludo X National Di Caprio, the descendants from these 2 top breeders have won 5 X 1st Fed, 3 X 2nd Fed and INFC, 4 X 3rd Fed and are both absolute top breeders. Ludo is from a grandson of Jackpot and National Di Caprio is a daughter from Di Caprio & Blue Kannibaal.


DAM GB 20 V83244 “Super Star” the mother to 1st National INFC 1,114b and she  is a daughter from Super Sagan X Miracle Lady.


“Super Sagan” is the son of the 1st Nat Ace KBDB Champion Sagan for Patrick Boeckx and his mother is a direct Van Den Bulck Hen.


“Miracle Lady” is an incredible breeder and she is the mother to 1st Fed 3,241b, 1st Fed 3,068b, 1st Fed 1,782b, 1st National 730b and 1st Fed 1,537b ‘Miracle Lady is also a half sister to 1st Fed 3,375b, 2nd INFC 3.043b to loft mate.