GB 22 B45042 Blue Hen “Star Princess” her father is a fantastic race cock and her mother is already becoming a very good breeder from Luc Vervoort, she was only introduced this year and she has already bred winners.
SIRE 19 B32723 “Moviestar” the super cock that has won
1st Open NIPA 20,042b
8th Open NIPA 21,265b
8th Open NIPA 1,194b
15th Open NIPA 14,868b
134th Open NIPA2.980b
152nd Open NIPA 5.902b
He has also won
1st 2,600b
1st 1,619b
1st 520b and 3rd 322b, 3rd 647b, 4th 204b, 6th 741b and 7th 2.992b. The father to Mopviestar is ‘De Guss’ and his mother is ’63 Hen’ there are children of De Guss in this auction. The 63 Hen is a winner of 2 X 1st as a YB and she is the mother to 1st Open NIPA 20,042b.
DAM Belg 21-6032244 “Miss Vervoort” bred by Luc Vervoort and bought at his auction in Blackpool in January, this young hen has already shown her potential by breeding 1st Section G NIPA Fermay 5-bird, 13th Open NIPA in her first nest; she is also mother to 1st 153b, 4th 545b, 13th 904b, 17th 904b, 18th 276b, 19th 1.973b, 25th 544b, 29th 504b, 29th 268b and 39th 1,005b; she also bred 222nd against 12,555b. ‘Miss Vervoort’ is a daughter of Miss 100/100 who flew the group of 100/100 races last year and won the 29th prize against 1.105 pigeons, 14th prize of 383 pigeons on the RVB itself, she also flew in the round on 25th September a 42nd against 1.440 pigeons. The 100/100 is a series of races where we do not know the liberation point or direction of liberation until after they are released. The pigeons have to really think for themselves as they race from all points of the compass. The father to Miss Vervoort is a grandson from the Kareltje X Godelief super couple. His father is from Van Dijk Zandhoven and his mother is “Den 13” a daughter from the base couple and winner of 1st 328b, 3rd 625b, 8th 352b, 5th 131b and she is the mother to the best YB 2019, the 6037812/19 the mother to Miss Vervoort is Miss 100/100, she is from a daughter of the base couple Kareltje X Godelief which won 1st 1.105b and many other prizes.