GB 22 B34760 Blue Cock “Starstruck” he is from a winner of 1st Open NIPA and a breeder of 1st Open NIPA. He is also a double grandson of the ’63 Hen’

SIRE 19 B32723 “Moviestar” the super cock that has won

1st Open NIPA 20,042b

8th Open NIPA 21,265b

8th Open NIPA 1,194b

15th Open NIPA 14,868b

134th Open NIPA2.980b

152nd Open NIPA 5.902b

He has also won

1st 2,600b

1st 1,619b

1st 520b and 3rd 322b, 3rd 647b, 4th 204b, 6th 741b and 7th 2.992b. The father to Mopviestar is ‘De Guss’ and his mother is ’63 Hen’ there are children of De Guss in this auction. The 63 Hen is a winner of 2 X 1st as YB and she is the mother to 1st Open NIPA 20,042b.

DAM GB 16 B07997 “97 Hen” she is a super breeding hen and Dam to 1st Open NIPA 22,210b, 2nd Open NIPA 18,313b, 3rd Open NIPA 16,509b, 8th Open NIPA 6.013b, 10th Open NIPA 1,005b, 18th National NIPA 2,128b and she has bred 2 X 1st section winners and a 2nd section winner, she is a half sister to Moviestar as both are from The 63 Hen.