GB 22 B34197 Blue Hen “Star Kittel” she is an exceptional young hen; her mother is a half sister to Les Green’s super cock ‘UK Kittel’ 1st Nat Ace Sprint Pigeon RPRA.
SIRE 19 B32723 “Moviestar” the super cock that has won
1st Open NIPA 20,042b
8th Open NIPA 21,265b
8th Open NIPA 1,194b
15th Open NIPA 14,868b
134th Open NIPA2.980b
152nd Open NIPA 5.902b
He has also won
1st 2,600b
1st 1,619b
1st 520b and 3rd 322b, 3rd 647b, 4th 204b, 6th 741b and 7th 2.992b. The father to Mopviestar is ‘De Guss’ and his mother is ’63 Hen’ there are children of De Guss in this auction. The 63 Hen is a winner of 2 X 1st as YB and she is the mother to 1st Open NIPA 20,042b.
GB 21 L05961 ‘Inbred Gold’ she is the nest sister to the winner of 2nd Open NIPA 12,998b and she is a half sister to Les Greens ‘UK Kittel’ the 1st Nat Ace Sprint Pigeon RPRA in 2019. Her father is ‘Golden Best Kittel’ and her mother is ‘Inbred Kittel’ ‘Golden Best Kittel’ is a direct son of Best Kittel, the 1st National Ace Sprint Pigeon KBDB and father to ‘Best Kittel II’ 1st Nat Ace Sprint KBDB, and to ‘Junior’ 2nd Nat Ace Sprint Pigeon KBDB, Best Kittel also grandfather to 2nd National Ace KBDB Sprint and 3rd Nat Ace KBDB Sprint in 2022 only behind their loft mate, which was a nephew to Best Kittel.
‘Inbred Kittel’ was bred by Dirk Van Den Bulck and she is the mother to Les Greens “UK Kittel” 1st National Ace Sprint Award Winner All RPRA 2019
1st NW Region Premier Award Winner 2019
1st NW Region Sprint Award winner 2019
1st 4.168b, 1st 726b, 1st 900b, 1st 1.211b, 1st 712b, 1st 995b, 1st 79b, 2nd 155b, 3rd 1.136b, 3rd 4.209b, 4th 538b, 5th 376b, 6th 453b, 6th 707b, 6th 2.345b, 6th 150b, 6th 818b behind 5 loft mates, 6th 1.107b behind 5 loft mates, 7th 1.701b, 7th 1.072b and
8th 4.509b behind 6 loft mates, 11th 471b.